मुखपृष्ठ | रत्नागिरी उपकेंद्र | विद्यापीठाविषयी | दूरस्थ आणि मुक्त शिक्षण | स्टाफ लोगीन | संपर्क साधा | करिअर शोधा :

  सुविधा,प्रयोगशाळा इ.
  वार्षिक अहवाल
  चर्चासत्र आणि कार्यक्रम
  शैक्षणिक कर्मचारी वर्ग
  प्रशासकीय कर्मचारी वर्ग
  माजी विद्यार्थी

कला शाखा > शैक्षणिक विभाग

शैक्षणिक विभागाची वैशिष्टे

इतर विभागांबरोबर, महाविद्यालयांबरोबर, आणि संस्थांबरोबर विभागानी भागीदारी केलेली आहे.आंतरविभागीय कार्यक्रम / प्रकल्प शिक्षकांनी सुरू केले आहे.  

१.      शोध पत्र वाचन:

The Department conducts regular Research Paper Reading Sessions which offer a platform for Educational Researchers to discuss their research studies with other researchers, thereby creating an awareness of the conceptual and methodological issues involved and disseminating the research findings, to ensure that the dissemination reaches a larger audience



(1) Reports are prepared of Research Paper Reading Sessions every year.

(2) Report of the Proceeding of Seminars/workshops organized by the Department of are prepared.

(3) Publications of the Department:

·          Educational Research in the University of Bombay (1981)

·          Educational Research in the Eighties in the University of Bombay (1993)

·          Hand Book Research Tools in Education (2002) 

These are circulated to the participants, Research guides and Colleges of Education 


Inter-Department and Interdisciplinary Programmes / Projects are undertaken by the Faculties of the Department.

i.         Teacher Education

ii.       Educational Psychology

iii.      Educational Sociology 

iv.     Management of Education

v.       School and Higher Education

vi.     Women’s Education

vii.    Economics of Education

viii.  Guidance and Counselling

ix.     Inclusive Education




(a) Seminar/Workshops are conducted every year on various aspects of education as well as research methodology for teacher educators, research scholars and research guides.


(b) The Department brings out a yearly report which includes proceedings of the various seminars/workshops.


(c) The department has brought out the following publications:

i.         Educational Research in the University of Bombay (1981)

ii.       Educational Research in the Eighties in the University of Bombay (1993)

iii.      Handbook of Research Tools in Education.(2002)


(d) The faculty of the department has written the following books


i.         Prof (Dr) M .D. Bengallee (1990) Guidance and Counselling. Bombay: Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd.(Second Edition)

ii.       Prof.(Dr) S.R.Pandya (2001) Administration and Management of Education. (2nd Ed.)

iii.      Prof (Dr) S.R.Pandya (2004) Personality Development and Communicative English. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

iv.     Ms. Karwande,A. & Halbe,M.M (2006); Shaikshanik Samajshastrachi Mul tattve, Himalaya Publishing House.

v.       Ms. Karwande,A. & Halbe,M.M (2007); Shaikshanik Manasshastra, Himalaya Publishing House. 


(e) The faculty of the department has undertaken the following Research Work


1.       UGC-Major Research Project is completed by Professor Dr. G. J. Kerawalla,(1996) “ The Role and Functions of College Education as Perceived By Students And Teachers : A Comparative Perspective”

2.       UGC-Major Research Project is completed by Professor Dr. S.R.Pandya, “A Study of College Students Preferences for Learning Environment and Teacher Behaviour in Relation to Their Learning Style in The Context of Prevalent Teacher Orientations and Teaching Styles”

3.       University Research Project is completed by Ms. Sudha Pingle, “ A Study Of Development of Awareness about Inclusive Education among Student-Teachers”

(f) The faculties of the Department are invited as resource persons by various colleges and universities in and outside Maharashtra.


(g) The department invites recognized post graduate teachers as visiting faculties as and when required.

संबधित जोडणी