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Science > Department of Computer Science



" UM-DAE-CBS: The department has informal collaboration with TIFR, BARC and C-DAC which jointly conducts a basic science course in the university campus. This course admits students through an entrance exam conducted at an all India level. It is an integrated course which includes a component of basic computer education which is looked after by the department

"MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects':

Department of Computer Science plans to initiate a Master level course 'MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects'. Graduates from different faculties skilled in a computer component will be admitted to the course. The course targets the Film and Television Industries and will give special training in Computer Graphics, Animation, Compositing and Visual Effects. The MS course is a two semester course and a student successfully completing the first semester will be awarded a PG Diploma in Computer Graphics and Animation by the University of Mumbai. She can take admission to the second semester at Westminster University, UK, if she clears eligibility criteria. On successful, the student will be awarded the Degree in 'MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects' by University of Westminster. A MoU to this effect was signed by Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University, Dr. Vijay Khole and the then Vice-Chancellor of Westminster University, Dr. Geoffrey Copland on 22nd February, 2006. Both the Vice-Chancellors underlined the importance of the course in a press conference organized on that date. The press conference was well attended by print and electronic media as also by IT experts and dignitaries of the University.


The placement committee formed is an all students group who look after the nitty-gritty and the major events that follow up before/during/after the campus job proceedings. Teachers at the department co-ordinates with various companies in order to place its currently enrolled students. The faculty and placement committee interact with the companies and seek their active participation in the placement activity. Over the 5- years our students are employed by companies like Infosys, CMS Ltd., Mahindra British Telecom Ltd., Patni Computer System Ltd., Pfizer India Ltd., PRT Software Ltd., Syntel Software Pvt. Ltd., Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Tata Infotech Ltd., National Stock Exchange , Cybertech Systems ,Softcell Technologies , SBI Mutual Funds, G.NET, Cognizant Solutions Pvt. Ltd.



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