Seminar and Events
Department has conducted various events in the academic year
of 2009-2010
The year started with the event of How to s of the
Ph.D. research in Computer Science held on 1st
September 2009 in Mara. Here aspirants of various colleges
throughout Mumbai were gathered and were guided by various
research guides on how to go about Ph.D and the upcoming
research areas in Computer Science.
Following this event was a NET-SET workshop on
1st -2nd November 2009 conducted by
the Department and supported by SET Examination Unit,
University of Pune. Here aspirants were guided by various
experts on how to go about the study for NET and SET
examinations. Experts from Mumbai and Pune Universities were
invited and with their systematic approach and guidance,
aspirants were motivated and the 2 day seminar completed
with great success.
Department conducted an
International Symposium on Soft Computing In Collaboration
with Rough Set Society
on 1st and 2nd December 2009. It was a
part of the initiatives of celebrating International Rough
Set Year. The organization of this event had a twofold
intention. Participants presented their work, discussed the
novelty of the techniques and the gathering got more inputs
to elevate themselves. It was be a proper platform for the
young researchers to interact with the experienced ones in
this field. The topics like theory and practices of
softcomputing research, beauty and myths of softcomputing
were illustrated with the selected case studies from the
projects in India and abroad. Also, there were sessions on
the shift of paradigm in computation from deterministic to
softcomputing, critics on softcomputing research for its
limitations etc.
Year 2010 started with a one day workshop on Expert
Systems and Automatic Theorem Prover which
was conducted on 16th January. There were
two sessions on how to write an Expert system and one
session giving the demonstration of an Automatic theorem
prover that follows Dijkstra’s equational reasoning.
Followed by which, the participants had a hands on session
to practice Prolog to develop an Expert system of their
Department then conducted the 3 week’s Refresher’s
Course along with Academic Staff College entitled
Advancement’s in Computer Science and its Applications
held from 28th January to 17th
February 2010. This program was a part of in-service
training of teachers for up-gradation of their knowledge and
professional skills. Government of India has assigned this
responsibility to the University Grant Commission to conduct
this course for college and university teachers.
Speakers from all domains of computer science were invited
to give talks on the upcoming and current research areas.