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Science > Department of Computer Science

Annual Report of Last Academic year

Academic Activities for the past two years:s

Brief introductions of various activities organized by the department are:

Annual Report 2006-2007

" 2006-2007 being the Sesquicentennial year of the University, number of conferences, workshops and seminars were organized by different Departments at Kalina campus. Department of Computer Science jointly with Department of Library and Information Science organized a 3 day workshop for Librarians of affiliated colleges. The participants were trained by the Teachers of the Department of Computer Science in Microsoft Office, Web Design, Internet, HTML, Databases and SQL. The training was through online lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions. The participants were given lecture notes on these topics. The workshop was held on 12th, 13th and 14th September, 2006.

" On 11th December, 2006 a seminar on 'Information Technology' was organized by the Department for college teachers in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Information Technology. Prof. Abhay Pethe, Chairman, Campus Development Council inaugurated the seminar. Shri Achut Godbole gave a talk on 'IT Today and Tomorrow'. Shri Pradeep Kulkarni, another IT expert, discussed 'Fresh Graduates: Latest Trends and Current Technologies'. Finally, Dr. P. Sarang, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Computer Science talked on 'Bridging the Gap between IT and Academics'. On this occasion the new laboratory of the Department was inaugurated by Prof. Abhay Pethe.

" On 27th January, 2007 Shri Jigar Shah, Senior Analyst of Network Technology, USA, demonstrated their new software 'Network Simulator'. The software will be useful for conducting practical in different modules in courses on computer science and IT. Teachers from affiliated science and engineering colleges were invited for the seminar.

" On 31st January, 2007 the Department conducted the workshop on "Embedded Systems' for Computer Science Colleges. Shri Arun Dalvi, National College, explained how practical would be conducted on 'Embedded System' as a part of M.Sc. Part II Course.

" On 17th February, 2007 'Emerging Technology Group' organized a talk by IT expert Dr. Lalitha formally with CMC on 'Computer Security'. The talk was attempted by Students and Experts from Computer Science and IT fields.

" Department of Computer Science plans to initiate a Master level course 'MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects'. Graduates from different faculties were skilled in a computer component will be admitted to the course. The course targets the Film and Television Industries and will give special training in Computer Graphics, Animation, Compositing and Visual Effects. The MS course is a two semester course and a student successfully completing the first semester will be awarded a PG Diploma in Computer Graphics and Animation. He can take admission to the second semester at Westminster University, UK, if he clears an eligibility criteria. On successful completing the second semester, the student will be awarded the Degree in 'MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects'. A MoU to this effect was signed by Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University, Dr. Vijay Khole and Vice-Chancellor of Westminster University, Dr. Geoffrey Copland on 22nd February, 2006. Both the Vice-Chancellors underlined the important of the course in a press conference organized on that date. The press conference was well attended by print and electronic media as also by IT experts and dignitaries of the University.

" The Department has planned two significant activities from the next academic year. It plans to initiate a retraining centre for Computer Science and IT graduates and teachers. Computer Sciences and social sciences are linked by information systems and the Department plans to participate in a project called 'Computational Social Sciences' along with Economics and Applied Psychology Departments. The research in this area will give new directions to designing solutions for problems in these areas.

" The Department has started new directions in research. Students and teachers of the Department have published papers in journals and conferences in 'Mobile Databases and Mobile Agents'.

Annual Report 2007-2008

" The department aims for developing the communications skills of its students for which there were various group discussions and debates organized every Friday in the month of August and September 2007.
" The department encourages the use of various new software's introduced and had purchased new software for networking QUALNET. The department conducted a training session for Qualnet' on four days from 22nd October to 26th October 2007. The students were given a hands-on training on this software by Mr. Kiran Runkhana, Nihon Communications, and a core developer of this software.
" The University of Mumbai had signed a MOU with University of Westminster, UK to implement a one year course MS in Digital Compositing and Visual Effects. In the successful implementation of this course the department has continuously interacted with the local animation industry like Tata Exlsi Visual Computing Lab and Virtual Valley Studio. In light of the facts the department has organized meeting with
" Pro-VC of University of Westminster, UK Prof. Myzska on 28th Nov'2007
" FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) on 29th Nov'2007 at 11.00 am
" Tata Exlsi on 29th Nov'2007 at 2.00 pm

" The department had conducted a certificate course on 'Adhoc and Sensor Networks' from 11th - 15th December'2007. This course was inaugurated by dignified professional from Industry, and conducted by Dr. Dharma P. Agrawal, Professor, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, US. The professionals from different industries, faculties across the country and students participated in this course and were immensely high lightened by the conduct of this course.

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