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V. Rajaraman
Artificial Intelligence
Elaine Rick, Kevin Knight
Knowledge Engineering & Expert Systems
P.N. Rastogi
Crash Course in Artificial Intelligence
Louis E. Frengel
Theory & Problems of Programming with C
Byron S. Gottfried
Programming in C
Ram Kumar & Rakesh Agrawal
Let Us C
Yashavant Kanetkar
Working with C
Yashavant Kanetkar
Pointers in C
Yashavant Kanetkar
Vijay Mukhi’s The ‘C’ Odyssey Dos- The Charted
Meeta Gandhi Tilak Shetty & Rajiv Shah
Undocumented Dos through C
Yashavant Kanetkar
C Pearls
Yashavant Kanetkar
C Database Development
Al Stevents
An Introduction to the Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming with Turbo C++
Robert Lafore
C++ Primer Plus
Turo C / C++
Herbert Schildt
Rescued by C++
Kris Jamsa
C++ Programming
John Thomas Berry
Programming with C++
D. Ravichandran
C++ Graphics
Vijay Mukhi
Unix Networking
Stephen G. Kochan
Advanced Programming Guide to Unix System V
Rebecca Thomas, Lawrence R. Rogers, Jean L. Vates
Exploring the Unix System
Stephen G. Kochan & Patrick H. Wood
Unix C Programming
Bernhard Devignon
The Unix Programming Environment
Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike
Unix for You
Pramod Koparkar
Teach yourself Unix
Kevin Rechard &Eric F. Johnson
Unix Shell Programming
Yashavant Kanetkar
Peter Norton’s Guide to Unix
Peter Norton & Harley Hahn
The Design of Unix Operating System
Maurice J. Bach
Fractals Everywhere
Michael Barnsley
Fast Algorithms for 3D Graphics
George Glaeser
Computational Geometry for Computer Graphics
I.D. Faux. M.J. Pratt
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics
David F. Rogers
Computer Graphics
Roy A. Plastock, Gordon Kelley
Computer Graphics
Hearn, Backer
Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics
William M. Newman & Robert F. Sproull
Computer Graphics
Steven Harrington
Operating Systems
C. Ritchie
Microsoft MS-Dos
Microsoft corporation
Operating System Principles
Per B. Hansen
The IBM PC & PS/2
Norton & Wilton
A.S. Tanenbaum
Disk OS
Microsoft corporation
OS Concept & Design
Milan Milen Koric
Complete Linux Kit
D.A. Tauber
A. Godbole
Operating System Concepts
Siberschartz Galvin
Data management & File Structure
Merry Loomis
Computer Database Organization
James Martin
Database Processing
Principles of Database System
Jaffrey O. Ullman
Database System Concepts
Henry Korth & Silberschatz
Computer Database Organization
James Martin
Oracle Networking
SQL for Professionals
Introduction to Database System
Bipin C. Desai
ABC of Internet
Christian Crumlish
Local Area Network
S. K. Basandra
The ‘C’ Odyssey Network & RDBMS
Mita Gandhi
Understanding Local Area Network
Stan Schalt
Novell Network 2.x /3.x
Timothy K. McDonald
Client / Server Computing
Patrick Smith, Steve Guengerich
Internetworking with TCP/IP (Vol. III)
Douglas Ecomer & David L. Stevens
The Internet Toolkit
Nancy Cedino
Netware, 3.12 Networks
Norell Prors
Internet Complete Reference
Harley Hahn
ABC of Internet Explore
John Ross
Learning Netware 4.1
Guy Yost
Data & Computer Communication
William Stalling
Computer Network
System Analysts & Design
E. M. Awad
Introduction to System Analysis & Design
I.T. Hawryszkiewycz
Information System for modern Management
Murdik & Ross
Introduction to Data Processing
Fundamental of Software Engineering
Carlo Ghazzi, Mehdi Jazayer
System Analysis & Data Processing
A. Subramanyam & K.S. Menon
Software Engineering
Jensen Tonis
Basic System Analysis
Alan Daniels & Don Yeaters
Software Engineering Dynamic Approach
S.J. Wattam
An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering
Pankaj Jalote
Object Oriented Modeling & Design
James Rumbaugh
System Analysis & Business Application
Rajesh Naik & Swapna Kishore
Analysis Design of Information System
James A. Sen
Computer Data Structure
John L. Pfaltz
Data Structure Using C
Fundamentals of Data Structures
Ellis Horowitz & Sahani
Data Structure & Program Designing C
Krise, Leung, Tondo
How to Solve it by Computer
R. G. Droomey
Introduction to Switching Theory & Logical Design
Fredrick & Gerald
Digital Computer Fundamentals
Digital Principles & Applications
Malvino Leach
Electronic Devices & Circuits
Allan Mottershed
Pulse & Switching Circuit Action
Switching & Finite Automata Theory
Zbi Kohvi
Digital Computer System
Hebert H.
Digital Computer Electronics
Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits
Texas Ins. Inc.
Digital Computer Design
Modern Digital Electronics
R. P. Jain
The Making of the Micro
Christopher E.
8080 Microcomputer Experiments
Introduction to Microprocessors
Aditya Mathur
Microprogramming Primer
Harry K. Jr.
Assembly Language Book for IBM PC
Peter Norton
Fundamentals of Assembly Language Prog.
R. C. Detmer
Introduction to Microprocessor System Design
H. Galand
Microcomputer System 8086 / 8088
Liu Gibson
Microprocessor Arch. Prog. & Application
Structured Computer Organization
Digital System : H/W Organization & Design
Fredrick & Gerald
Computer Organization & Programming
William Gear
Computer Architecture & Organization
J. P. Hayes
Computer Architecture & Organization
J. P. Hayes
Understanding Computer Systems Arch.
Complier Design in C
Principles of Complier Design
Aho & Ulman
Theory & Practice of Complier Writing
Tremblay & Sorenson
Language Structure
Language Structure
Proceeding of Workshop on 11 Processing
Parallel Processing
Programming with Basics
Biron S.Gottfried
Introduction to Computer System & Programming with
G.R. Bhatt
Programming in Basic
Programming in Basic
Ralphm Stair Jar
Basic without Maths
Charles Palatt
Computer Programming in Cobol
V. Rajaraman
Cobol for Bignars
Thomas worth
Cobol Programming MSCobol & Cobol 85
M.K. Roy & …..
Structure Cobol for data processing
Norman Lyons
Information System through Cobol
Philippakis & Kazmier
Cobol Programming
Roy /Ghosh Dashdar
Understanding Dbase 3 Plus
Alon Simpson
Computer Programming in Fortran 77
V. Rajaraman
Problem Solving with Fortran 77
Brian Honn
Microsoft Fortran
Reference Manual
Fundamentals of Programming Language
Ellis Harcitz
Lotus 1-2-3
User Manual
Introduction to Pascal
Arora & Reddy
Programming with Pascal
K.T. Shridhar
Management Information System
Miling Oka
Introduction To Operation Research
Hiller & Liebernon
Linearing Programming
Introduction to Operation Research
Billey Gillet
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithm
Teach yourself Corel Draw 5.0
PageMaker 5.0 By Example
Case Tools : Concepts & Applications
Computer Science Q. B.
Bosondra S.K.
Computer Science Q. B.
Bosondra S.K.
Computer Engineering
Hondo M.
Computer in Business
Sonders D.H.
GRE (1988)
Computers Todays
Bosondre S.K.
Viruses & Vaccines
Appa Patil
Computer Viruses
Assembly Language Techniques for IBM PC
Alian Miller
System Programming & O.S.
D.M. Dhamdare
System Programming
J.J. Donovon
Computer Systems & Application
The Hard Disk Companion
P. Norton
Designing Object oriented Software
Rebecca, Wirfs Broc
An Introduction to Computer Science
Trembley & Blent
Graded Problems in Computer Science
Mc gettrick & Smith
Introduction to Computer Science
Thomas Barter
Visual Basic 4.0
Microsoft Visual Basic
John Penfold
Fast track to NT Server 4.0
Robert Cowart
Mastering Windows NT Server
Programming for Window
Rajiv Anand
Windows Programming Made Easy
Robert Latore
Illustrated Windows 3.1
Robert Cowert, Whit
Mastering Windows 95
Robert Cowert
Teach Yourself Excel for Windows 95
John Weingarton
Mastering OLE 2
Bryan Waters
Com / Dcom Primer Plus
Corry, Maxtold
The Complete Reference - JAVA
P. Naughton
P. Naughton
P. Naughton
P. Naughton
P. Naughton
CGI & Server side Processing
P. Naughton
P. Naughton
User Guide
Coll, David Allen
Fundamentals of DB Systems
Elmasri , Navathe
Data Comm. & Computer Networks & Open System
Fred Halsall
Mastering ventura 3.0
Mathew Holtz
Microprocessors and Interfacing
Douglas V. Hall
Cobol for beginners
DBase II Plus
DBase III Plus
Basic 4 beginners
Introduction to Pascal
Mathur, Arora
Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal
One old Book of Student ( File )
Computer Organization
William Gear
C. S. and Architecture
M. Morris Mano
Unix for dummies
John R. Levine
Unix System V.4 Concept &
Sumitabha Das
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Neil Killis, John Kerridge
The Unix programming environment
Brian W. Kernighan
O. S. Principals
Per Brinch Hansen
O. S.
Manidick Donovan
Understanding O. S.
Ida M. Flynn
System Programming & O.
Structured Computer Organization
Andrew Tanebaum
Computer Management and Planning
Utpal Banrerjee
Computer Organization
Carl Hamacher
Principals of interactive Computer Graphics( 2nd
William Newman, Robert Sproull
Mikell Groover, Emory Zimmers
System Analysis for Business
Mgmt. ( 3rd Edition )
Stanfored Optner
System Analysis and Data Processing
A. Subramanayam, K. S. Menon
Introduction to System Analysis
and Design
I. T. Hawryszkiewycz
Computer System and Data Analysis
S. Shrinivasan
Fundamentals of System Analysis
John M. FitzGerald
System Analysis and Design
in Changing World
John W. Satzinger
Database Systems – Design,
Implementation & Mgmt.
Rob Coronel
Information Systems – Analysis, Design & Implementation
P. Radhakrishan, S. Subramanyan
K. V. Mittal
Programming in ANSI C
Ramkumar, Agarwal
C and Unix Programming
Narayan Swamy Kutti
Object oriented Programming
1st Book of C
Gary Bronson
C. R. of Visual C++
Pappas & Murray
C / C++ Tips
Kris Jamsa
Turbo C++
Wally King
Java 1.1 in 21 days
Laura Lemay
Java Programming Advanced
Paula Lumby
Digital Electronics
Christopher Strangio
Digital Circuits and Logic
Samuel Lee
Introduction to Microprocessors
Aditya Mathur
Mini Computer Systems
Richard Eckhouse
Microprocessor Fundamentals
Roger Toklieine
Microprocessor Architecture,
Programming and Application
Introduction to Microprocessor
Lance A Leventhal
Design with TTL Integrated
Robert Morris
Motorola MC68000
Jean Bacon
Microprocessors / Minicomputers:
An Introduction
Donald Givame
Digital Computer Fundamentals
Thomas Bartee
Computer Networks
Uyless Black
John McNaman
Basic Training ISDN (Introduction
to Practical Aspect)
Narosa Publishing
Basic Training ISDN ( Office
Comm. Techniques )
Narosa Publishing
Complier Construction for
Digital Computers
David Gries
Translation of Computer Languages
Introduction to Data Structures
with Applications
Trembly, Sorenson
Introduction to Data Structure
Bhagat Singh
D. S. and Program Design
Robert Kruse
Computer D. S.
John Pfaltz
D. S. through C and Pascal
System Programming
John Donovan
Structured System Programming
Jim Welsh,Micad Mckegg
Arun Majumdar
SQL plus user’s guide and Reference versions 3.0
ORACLE RDBMS – Error messages and codes Manual
ORACLE RDBMS – Database Administrator’s Guide
Mastering oracle 6.0
Meenakshi Serpes
SQL* forms – Designer’s Reference
SQL Language – Reference Manual
ORACLE RDBMS – Performing Tunning Guide version 6.0
Oracle Precompilers – Pro* C Suppliment
RDBMS Utilities User’s Guide version 6.0
Elementary Numerical Analysis with Programming
Gernald Haggerty
An Introduction to the calculus of finite differences
C. Richardson
Quantum Mechanics
Albert Messiach
Computer Oriented Numerical Method
V. Rajaraman
A first Course in calculus with analytic geometry
Price, Flanders
Elementary matrix algebra with linear programming
Panter, Yantis
Probability on discrete sample space, with Application
Differential and Integral calculus
A brief intro to Probability Theory
John Hoyt