Research Projects - M.LI.Sc.
- 14 Project re[ports
Ph.D. - 5 registered students
Summary of ongoing projects
: The 14 M.LI.Sc. project reports are pertaining to evaluation
of resources (print & electronic) on different current topics.
Summary of recently completed
Ph.D. Projects:
1. Dr. Dhanashri, Date (2007):
Web content Management for Library & Information Science.
Guide: Dr. P.A. Gokhale
2.Mrs. Sangita C. Deokattey
(2008) : Development of a methodology for a domain ontology: an
application in the area of accelerator driven system in nuclear
physics a study (submitted) Guide: Dr. P.A. Gokhale
Research papers (recent) - Dr.(Mrs.)P.A. Gokhale
1. Knowledge Organization in
E-Libraries: an overview (jointly with Smt. Sangeeta Deokattey)
In "E-Libraries -Problems and Perspectives". Festschrift
volume in honour of Shri T. Ashok Babu edited by L.S Ramaiah and
others. New Delhi, Allied Publishers, 2007, p.299-308.
2. Reinventing LIS Education: Challenges and Prospects. In "Equity
of LIS Education in IT based Pedagogical environment of the Knowledge
Society". Proceedings of XXIV th IATLIS National Conference
held in Karnatak
University, Dharwad, 19-21 November 2007, p.142-148.
3. Managing E-Learning
in LIS Education In Pre-seminar volume of the UGC sponsored National
Seminar on "Quality Assessment and Quality Indicators for
LIS Education, conducted by Department of Library and Information
Science, University of Nagpur, 10-12 November, 2006, p.215-218.