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Arts > Department of Library Science


Training in Librarianship in Mumbai University was started in 1943, when a Diploma in Librarianship was instituted by the University Library. In 1964, a full-fledged Department of Library Science was established and the Diploma Course was converted into the Degree Course (B.Lib.Sc.) with some changes in the syllabus. The Master's Course leading to the M.Lib.Sc. degree was introduced in 1968/69.

Over the years, the B.Lib.Sc. syllabus has undergone several revisions. The B.Lib. I.Sc. syllabus was revised in the years 1978, 1996, 2001 and 2005 and the degree was changed to B.L.I.Sc., M.LI.Sc. course was revised in the year 1998,2001 and 2005 and the degree was changed to M.LI.Sc. The B.L.I.Sc. and M.L.I.Sc. revisions of 2001 were done keeping in view the recommendations made by the UGC Curriculum Development Committee Report. During this period the intake capacity of M.LI.Sc. course was increased from 10 to 15 students and the name of the department was changed from Department of Library Science to Department of Library and Information Science. In 1984 the Department was shifted from Fort Campus to Vidyanagari Campus.

The revised syllabi of both the Courses include imparting training in 'Computer Applications to Library work'. In 2003 separate Computer Lab with 15 P.Cs. was started in the Department to give hands-on experience of computers for the students.

At present the Department has a Seminar Room, which can accommodate 30 persons. The Department also has a A.C. Auditorium Conference Hall, with sitting capacity of 150 students. (It is named as Prof.D.N. Marshall Auditorium to pay tribute to the ex Head of the Department & University Librarian, Prof.D.N. Marshall). Other infrastructure facilities include OHP, LCD Projector, Laptop Computer, Television, VCR, Multimedia Projector.

In 1995, the Ph.D. programme of the Department was revived and Dr. (Mrs.)Pratibha A. Gokhale received Ph.D. Degree in June 2001. She completed her research on the topic "Grey Literature :Generation, access and dissemination - a study". At present five research students are registered for Ph.D Degree in Library and Information Science.

Innovations in teaching

1. Some teachers are preparing Power Point Presentation for conducting lectures to demonstrate using LCD Projector.

2. Teaching and Non-teaching staff ratio

Teachers - 4 Non-teaching staff - 4 Ratio: 1:1

3. Teachers and students ratio

Teachers - 4 B.LI.Sc. Students - 40 Ratio: 1:10

Teachers - 2 M.LI.Sc. students - 15 Ratio: 1:8

Teachers - 2 Ph.D. students - 6 Ratio: 1:3

4. New academic programme initiated

M.Phil programme is initiated with effect from 2007-08

5. Innovation

i) Study tour to some city in India for M.L.I.Sc. students every year viz.
Chennai , Lucknow.

ii)Local visits to libraries for B.L.I.Sc. students viz. IIT, TFIR, British
Council, Asiatic Library.

iii) Class room quiz for Reference Service

iv) Practicum exercise for Library Management

6. Interdisciplinary programme

Two seminars were organized with Computer Science Department and Department of Education during the year 2006-07 as follows:

i) Application of Information Technology to Library & Information Science with Dept. of Computer Science, 10th to 12th September, 2006.

ii) Application of Instructional Technology to Information Literacy Programmes with Dept. of Education 29th November to 1st December,2006.


i) Contact Address: Dept. of Library & Information Science
Jawaharlal Nehru Library,
University of Mumbai,
Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East),
Mumbai, 400 098.

ii) Telephone No : 26526679, 26528201

iii) Fax No. : 26526679

iv) E-mail : librarian@library.mu.ac.in

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