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Arts > Department of Library Science


The database of past students is ready.The process of formation of Alumni Association is in progress. The following are the eminent alumni of the past.

1. Prof. A.C. Tikekar : (Retd.) Prof. & Head, D.LI.Sc. & University Librarian, Mumbai University.
- Director, 21st Century Library Center, Mumbai

Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Mumbai) 1952, English Literature M.LI.Sc. (Mumbai) 1970 Contributions 50 years of Library Service
- Expert on several National, State Government & UGC Committees
- A large number of articles, conference papers
- Visited U.K., U.S.A. & Canada
- Member Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation for 3 years.

2. Dr.S. Ganpule : (Retd.) Prof. & Head, Department of Library Science, University of Mumbai.
- Coordinator for Y.C.M.U. Nasik
- Regional Coordinator for SOUL - INFLIBNET Center, Mumbai.

Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Economics, Political Science) Pune - 1962 M.Lib.Sc. (Mumbai) - 1970 Ph.D. (Pune) 1988
(Topic: Measuring Library Effectiveness)

Member - Executive Committee, NISSAT
- Research Council, INSDOC
- UGC Subject Panel on LIS
- Chairman of BOSLA, Bombay Science Librarians Association Guided 6 Ph.D. students in Library & Information Science
- Recognized guide for Ph.D. at Mumbai University, Pune University, YCMOU, Nasik.
- Visited U.K. (1983 & 1994)
- A large number of Publications, Articles, Lectures
- Conducted IASLIC National Seminar - IIT Mumbai, in December, 1994.
- Revised B.LI.Sc. & M.LI.Sc. course Syllabi of Mumbai University.

Contributions Work experience as Librarian - Taraporewals Aquarium, Mumbai
- ICICI, Mumbai
- NIBM, Pune
- IIT Mumbai
- University of Mumbai Library, Mumbai
- 1 Thesis

3. Prof.M.R Riswadkar : (Retd.) Reader, D.LI.Sc., University of Pune

Edu. Qualifications M.A., M.Lib.Sc. 1972 Contributions : Librarian - DECCN College, Pune
- CIEFL, Hyderabad
- SIET, Hyderabad

Teaching Expeprience Reader, D.LI.Sc. Pune Guided 10 Ph.D. students Written course material for A.P Open University & IGNOU, YCMMU, ALA Encydopedia Director, IASLIC National Seminar, IIT, Mumbai in December, 1994.
Received PULISA Award. Library advisor for UTI & IGIDR

4. Prof. Harsha S. Parkh (Retd.) University Librarian & Prof. & Head, SHPT School of Library Science, S.N.D.T. Women's University Mumbai.
Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Mumbai) (Political Science) M.Lib.Sc. (Mumbai) 1997 Contributions 33 years of Teaching Experience at S.N.D.T.University.

- Best Teachers Award by IATLIS in1997
- A large number of research papers and articles.
- 2 books
- Guided four Ph.D. students
- Trustee, Bombay Civic Trust

5. Dr. H.K. Kaul : Librarian, India International Center, New Delhi Director, DLNET (Developing Libraries Network) Edu.Qualifications M.Lib.Sc. (Mumbai) 1992 Ph.D. (Pune) 1997 - on the topic "Networks & Networking" Contributions DELNET Newsletter - 240 members,active services. NACLEAN Conducted so far four training programmes for Libraries.
Books - 2
Thesis - 1

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