The database of past students
is ready.The process of formation of Alumni Association is in
progress. The following are the eminent alumni of the past.
1. Prof. A.C. Tikekar
: (Retd.) Prof. & Head,
D.LI.Sc. & University Librarian, Mumbai University.
- Director, 21st Century Library Center, Mumbai
Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Mumbai) 1952, English
Literature M.LI.Sc. (Mumbai) 1970 Contributions 50 years of Library
- Expert on several National, State Government & UGC Committees
- A large number of articles, conference papers
- Visited U.K., U.S.A. & Canada
- Member Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation for 3 years.
2. Dr.S. Ganpule : (Retd.)
Prof. & Head, Department of Library Science, University of
- Coordinator for Y.C.M.U. Nasik
- Regional Coordinator for SOUL - INFLIBNET Center, Mumbai.
Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Economics, Political
Science) Pune - 1962 M.Lib.Sc. (Mumbai) - 1970 Ph.D. (Pune) 1988
(Topic: Measuring Library Effectiveness)
Member - Executive Committee, NISSAT
- Research Council, INSDOC
- UGC Subject Panel on LIS
- Chairman of BOSLA, Bombay Science Librarians Association Guided
6 Ph.D. students in Library & Information Science
- Recognized guide for Ph.D. at Mumbai University, Pune University,
YCMOU, Nasik.
- Visited U.K. (1983 & 1994)
- A large number of Publications, Articles, Lectures
- Conducted IASLIC National Seminar - IIT Mumbai, in December,
- Revised B.LI.Sc. & M.LI.Sc. course Syllabi of Mumbai University.
Contributions Work experience as Librarian -
Taraporewals Aquarium, Mumbai
- ICICI, Mumbai
- NIBM, Pune
- IIT Mumbai
- University of Mumbai Library, Mumbai
- 1 Thesis
3. Prof.M.R Riswadkar :
(Retd.) Reader, D.LI.Sc., University of Pune
Edu. Qualifications M.A., M.Lib.Sc. 1972 Contributions
: Librarian - DECCN College, Pune
- CIEFL, Hyderabad
- SIET, Hyderabad
Teaching Expeprience Reader, D.LI.Sc. Pune Guided
10 Ph.D. students Written course material for A.P Open University
& IGNOU, YCMMU, ALA Encydopedia Director, IASLIC National
Seminar, IIT, Mumbai in December, 1994.
Received PULISA Award. Library advisor for UTI & IGIDR
4. Prof. Harsha S. Parkh
(Retd.) University Librarian & Prof. & Head, SHPT School
of Library Science, S.N.D.T. Women's University Mumbai.
Edu. Qualifications M.A. (Mumbai) (Political Science) M.Lib.Sc.
(Mumbai) 1997 Contributions 33 years of Teaching Experience at
- Best Teachers Award by IATLIS in1997
- A large number of research papers and articles.
- 2 books
- Guided four Ph.D. students
- Trustee, Bombay Civic Trust
5. Dr. H.K. Kaul : Librarian,
India International Center, New Delhi Director, DLNET (Developing
Libraries Network) Edu.Qualifications M.Lib.Sc. (Mumbai) 1992
Ph.D. (Pune) 1997 - on the topic "Networks & Networking"
Contributions DELNET Newsletter - 240 members,active services.
NACLEAN Conducted so far four training programmes for Libraries.
Books - 2
Thesis - 1