Academic Programme M.Sc Admission


M.Sc. Admission 2024-25


M. Sc. Nanoscience's and Nanotechnology:


The Masters in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology at the University of Mumbai will achieve desired training and skills by next generation industry for scientists and engineers undertaking research, development and production in nanosciences and nanofabrication. This multidisciplinary programme merging the backgrounds in materials science, physics, chemistry, electronics or life sciences. The duration of this course is two years only.


            Why this Programme:

  • The University of Mumbai is a recognized in many aspects of nanotechnology, with an international reputation in nanoscale research for a variety of applications including energy and environmental, nano/microelectronics, optoelectronics and nano-biotechonology etc.
  • You will have access to the unique state of art cleanrooms available at the NCNNUM (Best among Indian institutions). The NCNNUM have extraordinary facilities meant for nanomaterials preparation, characterization, nanofabrication for applied devices and industrial materials.
  • This MSc caters to an emergent mandate for scientists who can fabricate NEMs and MEMs systems, sensors and actuators, functional materials and its integration into the electronics at the micro and nano scale, flexible nanoscale electronics, energy and environmental aspect such as development of solar cells, batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, photo-catalyst etc. As a graduate you will also enjoy the basic insights in nanoscience to cultivate new goods using these skills.
  • You will be taught by the team of experts in the field and have access to research seminars given by our international collaborators, who are world leaders in nanoscience.


Academic Programs and output


Program Outcome, Program Specific Outcome and Course specific Outcomes of Masters of Science and Master of Philosophy in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology


General Program Outcomes:

In order to initiate awareness of research ongoing in the field of Nanosciences and nanotechnology, NCNNUM has introduced post-graduation course work entitled �Masters of Science in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology� and �M. Phil. in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology�. The course work designed not only gives awareness to young researcher towards the subject/technology but also provides flexibility to work in interdisciplinary manner to provide solutions for society problems in more scientific way. Understanding growing demand and the need to literate and motivate young generation towards the field of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (The field has already reduced the gap in between scientific research and technological breakthroughs in various area including medical, space, military, communication technology etc.): The National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai (NCNNUM) conducts two years full time post graduate course work (i.e. M.Sc.) in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the academic year 2016 onwards.

  Nanosciences and Nanotechnology being an interdisciplinary subject offers knowledge, understanding and output that is integrated and Interdisciplinary in nature.

  Quality,  inclusive and focused  education

o    To develop trained manpower in the field of Nano Science and Nanotechnology with specific emphasis for exploitation of Nano Science and Nanotechnology looking at the demand/need of changing trends of modern Industries.


o    Amalgamate traditional research for Nano Science with advanced cutting-edge technologies for product development and manufacturing such as NEMS, MEMs, nano drugs, lab on chip concepts, etc.


o    Introduce the powerful tools of Nano Science and Nanotechnology for R&D with a rigorous attention to device fabrication.  


o    Exposure to National & International research in the field of Nano Science and Nanotechnology.


Course Specific Outcomes

The CBSGS pattern has been introduced in 2016 and continues till the date

M.Sc. (CBCS)

(Nanosciences and Nanotechnology)

Understanding growing demand and the need to literate and motivate young generation towards the field of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (The field has already reduced the gap in between scientific research and technological breakthroughs in various area including medical, space, military, communication technology etc.): The National Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai (NCNNUM) conducts two years full time post graduate course work (i.e. M.Sc.) in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the academic year 2016 onwards. The proposed course work will offer an opportunity to students to combine solid scientific knowledge with extensive skills developed through hands-on research experience in cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities developed at the centre. This rigorous degree program designed pulls many areas of the natural sciences such as chemicals, materials, and structures that occur at the nano level (i.e., smaller than 100 nanometers). Students have freedom to choose courses and conduct research on topics related to nanosciences and nanotechnology in collaboration with research institutes as well as industries.

Semester I

Name of the Course

Course Code

Activities with direct bearing on Employability/ Entrepreneurship/ Skill development


Essential Physics

Core competency development in basics of physical sciences viz. atoms and molecules, the elementary principals, mathematical principles, electronics, etc.


Essential Chemistry

Core competency development in basics of chemical sciences viz. Chemical Kinetics, thermodynamics, surface chemistry and colloids, chemical bonding, etc.


Essential Mathematics

Core competency development in mathematical science. Devising or using depictions of mathematical objects or relationships: equations, formulae, graphs, tables, diagrams, textual descriptions.


Essential Biology

Core competency development in biophysical techniques, cell biology, cell signalling, immune system and bio-sensor.


Phys. Lab  I

Hands on experience on two and four probe conductivity measurement; hall effect, mobility and carrier concentration measurement for semiconductor.  


Phys. Lab  II

Hands on experience on thin film deposition and its characterization.


Chemistry. Lab  I

Hands on experience and developments/demonstration of skills in qualitative and quantitative analysis.


Chemistry. Lab II

Hands on experience on synthesis of nanomaterials and its physical and thermal parameter study.

Semester II


Solid State Physics

Core competency development in crystal structure, phonons, semiconductors, Plasmon�s- polaritons and polarons.


Fundamentals of nano materials 

Orientation and introduction towards Nanotechnology skill sets in miniaturization, synthesis, properties and applications of nanomaterials.   


Interaction of matter with radiations

Foundation of spectroscopy skill in quantum mechanics, atoms and molecules.


Experimental Methods

Development of core competency in experimental techniques such as vacuum, ultra-high vacuum, thermal evaporation, chemical and electrochemical methods.


Synthesis and Characterization of nanomaterials

Hands on experience in synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials using sophisticated instruments.


Synthesis and Characterization of Biomolecules and Biomaterials

Hands on experience in synthesis and characterization of biomolecules and biomaterials


Vacuum systems and techniques

Hands on experience on vacuum pumps, vacuum gauge, thermal evaporation system, pulse laser deposition system, DC sputtering system, etc.


Laboratory IV

Hands on experience on spectroscopy and electrochemistry.


Semester III



Core competency development in micro-nanofabrication viz. Nano Fabrication by photons, Charged Beam, Scanning Probes and Self Assembly; MEMS - NEMS fabrication; CNC milling and micro-machines; 3D printing, etc.


Nano-SHE (Safety Health and Environment)

Core competency development in Functional principles of Bionanotechnology therapies, Nanomachines, Nanobarcodes and Nanobiosensors, Nanopharmaceuticals, Nanomedicine: Applications, Nanoparticle in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environment, Nanoparticles as pollutants, Nanoparticle Safety: United States perspective, Human Effects of Nanoparticle Exposure, etc.


Elective course

Nanodevices (Chemistry, Physics, Biology approaches)

Core competency in devices viz. Basic Concepts, device concept, Sensor and detector Materials, Humidity and moisture sensors, Temperature Sensors, Light Detectors, Radiation Detectors, etc.

Advance Instrumentation methods

Detail exposure to state of art instrumentation facility such as Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Spectrochemical Methods, etc.

Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture Industry

Core competency in food and agriculture science such as Intermolecular interactions and supramolecular structures, Nanoparticles in agricultural and food diagnostics, Nanotechnology in food production, Nanotechnology in food packaging, etc.


Optional Courses

Electrochemical Power sources and Nanotechnology

Detail exposure to application of electrochemistry in power sources and nanotechnology viz. batteries, supercapacitor, fuel cells, etc.

Industrial nanotechnology           

Development of nanotechnology skills required for industrial applications.

Nanotechnology in Defense and Space

Core competency in applications of nanotechnology in defence and space such as Nanobio: Smart nanobio materials/sensors for chemical/bio-warfare.


Numerical methods and recipes

Skill development in computational methods.


Research methodology

Imbibe research aptitude and good professional practices.


Short Term Project

Collection, interpretation and presentation of research data for identification of research problem.

Semester IV



Exposure to real world and open ended research problems.

There have been choices provided in the syllabus which can be offered by the students depending on their own interest.





Application Form












Objectives of the Course

  • Develop trained manpower in the field of Nano Science and Nanotechnology with specific emphasis for exploitation of R&D in Nano Science and Nanotechnology as well as its need for changing trends of modern pharmaceutical Industries
  • Amalgamate traditional R&D on Nano Science with advanced cutting-edge technologies for product development and manufacturing
  • Introduce the powerful tools of Nano Science and Nanotechnology for R&D with a rigorous attention to device fabrication
  • Exposure to National & International research in the field of Nano Science and Nanotechnology


P.hD Nanoscience's and Nanotechnology:


NCNNUM conducts P.hD in Nanotechonology. This program is designed for students with the background in science and engineering. This course contains fundamental and applied subjects with the focus on emeging areas in nanoscience and nanotechnology. The specialization in nanotechnology holds a very high potential for employmnet in R&D, academics and industries.






Ph.D. admission notification 2022-2023






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