> Department of Law
Seminars and Events
Department of Law,
University of Mumbai
Events and Seminars
20th January,
2012 - Special Lecture by faculty members on "How to
write Dissertation" for IV th Semester students in
Seminar Hall.
16th March,
2012 - The NAAC Committee visited the Department on 13th
March, 2012. A Power Point Presentation was made by Dr.
Rashmi M. Oza as Head of the Department before the
Committee members in the Superclose Classroom of the
Department. The NAAC Committee interacted with full time
faculties and Adjunct faculties of the Department.
19th March,
2012 - Prof. Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh, Director, LL.M. in
Dispute Resolution, Willamette University USA visited
the Department and lecture delivered on Alternate
Dispute Resolution at from USA visited the Department of
On 15th June
2012 - Ms. Yagana Hafed a Research Scholar from Sage
Colleges 65, First Street, Troy, NY 12180, USA visited
the Department & delivered lecture on "Status of Women &
Political Scenario in Kabul, Afghanistan".
17th August,
2012 - Inaugural function of first Pre-Ph.D Course for
Ph.D. students in Department of Law, University of
Mumbai by Dr. Vijay Chitnis, Former Head - Department of
Law along with his wife Mrs. Sunanda Chitnis in Room No.
122, First floor, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 400 032.
On 23 Aug. 2012 - Mr.
Philip Ells, Course Leader, Solicitor of University of
West London visited the Department of Law and
interaction with Faculty members on various legal
On 13th
September, 2012 the Department of Law in Collaboration
with Forum for Fast Justice conducted seminar on
"JUDICIAL REFORMS'. His Lordship Justice Anoop Mohta,
Bombay High Court was the Chief Guest of the seminar.
Other speakers Principal Rajadhyaksha, Dr. Shreedhar
Mundhe were also speakers. Shri Bhagvamjibhai Raiyani
and Shri Venkatraman were speakers from Forum for Fast
Justice. Dr. Rashmi M. Oza, Head, Department of Law and
Dr. Rajeshri Varhadi, Sr. Asst. Professor also spoke on
the Subject, More than 300 Lawyers, faculties and
students registered as Participants.
On 4th
October, 2012, the Department of Law in Collaboration
with the Mahila Adhikar Aivam Gaurav Raksha Santha (MAGRS)
conducted Seminar on "The Role of Law Enforcement
Agencies in Prohibiting Crime Against Women". The Chief
Guest of the Seminar was Hon'ble Justice S.C.
Dharmadhikari, Bombay High Court. Dr. Chandra Iyengar,
Former Home Secretary, Govt. of Maharashtra was the
Guest of Honour. Dr. Poornima Advani Advocate, Former
Chairperson, National Women's Commission and president
of MAGRS, Dr. Rashmi M. Oza, Prof. & Head of Department
of Law were the speakers.
On 6th
October, 2012 - The Department of Law conducted Aptitude
Test for the students desiring to pursue Ph.D. after
LL.B. degree under ordinance 5473.
2nd November,
2012 - Adv. Prashant Mali was invited as a Guest speaker
in Room No. 144 Department of Law at University of
Mumbai to deliver lecture on Intellectual Property
Rights and Information Technology with special reference
to Cyber Crimes & Laws.
On 3 Dec. 2012 - Dr. Rob
Verchick from Center for Environmental Law & Land Use,
Loyola University, New Orleans, U.S.A. visited the
Department and addressed the faculties & Research
students on "Environmental Law Regulations in the U.S."
On 10th
December, 2012 - the Department of Law commemorated
"Human Rights Day" Dr. Vijay Chitnis -Former Head of the
Department of Law and Former member of Maharashtra State
Human Rights Commission was the Chief Guest of the
On 15th
December, 2012 - Hon'ble Dr. B. L. Sharma, Vice
Chancellor of Rajasthan University visited the
department and addressed the faculties on "Proposed new
one year LL.M. Course of UGC and other Legal issues".
On 11th
January, 2013 - The Students of LL.M., M. Phil & Pre-Ph.D.
Course visited Forensic Laboratory, Kalina, Mumbaiunder
the Forensic awareness week from 7/01/2013 to 11/01/2013
Dr. Rajeshri N. Varhadi, Sr. Assistant Professor
accompanied the students.
On 16th
January, 2013 - The 船oordarshan Samachar' New Delhi
organized 舛ampus' Development Programme debate and
discussion on Higher Education at Convocation Hall of
University on 16th January, 2013, Dr. Ashok
Yende, Professor accompanied the students.
On 16th
January, 2013 - Mr. Sudanshu Patil, Additional
Commissioner Thane Municipal Corporation, Thane
delivered lecturer on "Good Governance in Government
Administration" for Group I Constitutional Law -Sem. IV
Students. It was organized by Prof. Dr. Ashok Yende
On 18th
January, 2013 - The Department of Law conducted a common
lecture on "How to write dissertation" on the 18th
January, 2013 at 5.00 p.m. in Room No. 144 for all
semester IV LL.M. students. Dr. Ashok Yende, Dr.
Rajeshree Varhadi, Dr. S.V. Mundhe addressed students.
On 23rd
January, 2013 - Dr. Adish Agarwala , the Member of the
Supreme Court Bar Association and Former Member of BCI
visited as Chief Guest and delivered Lecture on the
topic 然ole of Legal Education in Social Transformation'
On 24th
January, 2013 - Justice Basheir Vally, Judge of South
African Court at Johannesburg visited the Department and
delivered lecture on 践uman Rights Scenario in South
From 31.12.2012 to
05.01.2013 - Prof. (Dr.) Preeti Brahmania, Visiting
Faculty of Dept. of Law, University of Mumbai organized
a "Study Tour that included - 5 days Conference
Programme for the student of Post Graduate Diploma in
Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)" at IP Office,
Kolkata on Patents, Designs, Trademark and visit to IP
Law firm at Kolkata.
On 31st
January, 2013 - The Department of Law in collaboration
with Hurt Foundation Organized Seminar on "Reduction of
the Age of Juvenile under the Juvenile Justice Act,
On 5th
February, 2013 - Department of Law in Collaboration with
Rizvi Law College and K. J.
SomaiyaBharatiyaSankskritiPeetham Organized Seminar on
"Relevance of Natural Law and Ethics in the Profession
of Law"
On 8th
February, 2013 - Adv. Beena Tendulkar delivered lecture
on "Cyber Crime and Legal Remedies"
4th February,
2013 - The delegation of teaching faculties from
University of South African along with 18 students
visited the Department Professor Iris Gugu Moch,
Executive Dean of the University of South Africa had
accompanied the students. There was intense interaction
between the faculty and students of Department of Law
with the delegation Dr. Kavita Laghate from Jamanalal
Bajaj Institute of Management accompanied the
delegation. The delegation also visited the Library.
8th March,
2013 - at the Convocation Hall. One day Consultation on
"Anti Rape Laws & Policy - Emerging Issues" is being
conducted by the Department of Law in collaboration with
Global Vision India Foundation It was inaugurated by
Hon'ble Justice Mr. Mohit Shah, the Chief Justice of
Bombay High Court, and presided over by Dr. Rajan
Welukar Vice Chancellor University of Mumbai. Prof. Dr.
Ashok Yende organized the event and Dr. Rajeshree
Varhadi was the coordinator.
14th March,
2013 - Adv. Sandeep Marne - Guest Lecture on "Copyright
in Music" for LL.M. (IPR) and P.G.D.IPR students at Room
No. 144, First floor, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus,
Mumbai - 32.
30th March,
2013 - Justice Markandey Katzu, Chairman Pree Council of
India & Forme Judge the Supreme Court of India delivered
Justice M. C. Chagla Memorial Lecture on the subject of
"Ancient Indian Jurisprudence & Modern Jurisprudence" at
Convocation Hall, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus,
Mumbai - 32. Prof. Dr. Ashok Yende organized the event
and Dr. Rajeshree Varhadi was the coordinator.
9th April,
2013 - Special Lecture on "Fundamental Rights, Directive
Principles of State Policy and Basic Structure Theory"
by Adv. (Dr.) Suresh T. Mane, Former Professor & Head,
Department of Law at Seminar Hall, Room No. 144, First
Floor, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 32.
15th April,
2013 - Dr. Pramod Kumar delivered Lecture on "Judicial
Process" at Seminar Hall, Room No. 144, First Floor,
University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 32.
25th April,
2013 - Special Lecture on "Comparative Criminal Law" by
Adv. (Dr.) Suresh T. Mane, Former Professor & Head,
Department of Law at Seminar Hall, Room No. 144, First
Floor, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 32.
4th May, 2013
- Hon'ble Mr. Justice Altamas Kabir the Chief Justice
of India delivered Justice (Dr.) P. B. Gajendragadkar
Endowment Lecture on the subject of "Role of Directive
Principles in Social Transformation " at Convocation
Hall, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 32.
Dr. Rajan Welukar Vice Chancellor University of Mumbai ,
Dr. Naresh Chandra Pro V.C., Dr. Rajpal Hande Director
BCUD, were Guests of Honour, Prof. Dr. Ashok Yende
organized the event and Dr. Rajeshree Varhadi was the
12th May, 2013
- Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra, Judge the Supreme
Court of India delivered the Chimanlal Setalvad Law
Lecture on "Empowerment of Women - Legal &
Constitutional Perspective" at Convocation Hall,
University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 32. Dr.
Naresh Chandra Pro V.C, Prof. Dr. Khan Registrar, Dr. V.
S. Chitnis were the Guests of Honour. Dr. Ashok Yende
organized the event and Dr. Rajeshree Varhadi was the
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