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Conferences and Seminars:
National Seminar on "The State of Maharashtra’s Economy: Selected Issues" on 5th & 6th March, 2020.
National Seminar on Issues in India’s Macroeconomic Policy and Regulation, 15th March 2019.
55th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society, jointly with National Institute for Securities Markets from the 8th to the 10th of January, 2018.
Conference on the theme "Political Economy of Public Policy", 15th-16th December 2017.
Conference on theme “Issues in Agriculture, food Security and Poverty”, January 8-9, 2016.
Seminar on “Issues Related to Budget 2016-2017”, March 18, 2016.
National Conclave on the theme GROWTH, DISTRIBUTION & REDISTRIBUTION, 4-5th march 2014.
Conference on the theme Political Economy of Policy Reform, 21st-22nd February 2014.
National Seminar on Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act: Nation's, People's and Women's Security, April 10, 2013.
National Round Table Discussions on "Governance Issues in Transportation", January 31, 2013 & February 1, 2013.
National Consultation on "Engendering Physical Infrastructure via PMGSY", April 8-9, 2012.
Conference on "Urban Land in India: The Case of Mumbai & the Broader Research Agenda", March 22-23, 2012.
National Conference on "MGNREGA and the Agrarian Crisis", 27-28 April 2010.
Conference on "Experimental Economics", December 28-29, 2009.
Conference on "Public Policy in a Federal Setup", February 19-20, 2009.
National Conference on "Gender and Caste: Interface and Issues", January 2-3, 2009.
Workshop on Econometrics with R, 5th to 7th May, 2019.
Workshop on Data Envelopment Analysis by Prof. Subhash Ray, University of Connecticut and Dr. Anand Venakatesh, IRMA, January 2-4, 2018.
Workshop on Data Visualisation with R, May 5-6, 2018.
Workshop on Exploratory Data Analysis and Model Building in R, June 13-15, 2018.
Workshop on Data Visualisation and Handling Large Datasets with R, June 15-18, 2018.
Workshop on R for social sciences, May 31 – June 1, 2017.
Workshop on What Economics Models Do for Us? By Dr. Sudesh Mujumdar, Romain College of Business, University of Southern Indiana, June 22-23, 2017.
Workshop on Basics of R and Python programming, December 25-29, 2017.
Workshop on Visualizing Multivariate data with R, February 18, 2016 R workshop, September 7, 2016, N. Hatekar & S. Krishnan.
Workshop on SEM (structural models) with R, February 5, 2015 N. Hatekar.
Workshop on Statistical Modelling with R for Ecologists, September 19 and 26, 2015.
Workshop on Basic R, October 2, 2015. N. Hatekar & S. Krishnan.
Workshop on Regression with R, October 24, 2015, N. Hatekar & S. Krishnan.
Workshop on using NSSO data with R, May 8, 2014, N. Hatekar & Sandhya Krishnan.
Workshop on Statistical and Experimental Aspects of Social Services, May 12-17, 2014.
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Evolution of Physics in an Accessible Manner by Dr. K.Sridhar, TIFR, January 11-12, 2013.
Workshop on "Academic Writing and Publication for Structuring a Research Paper", March 25, 2013.
Workshop on "Using R with Logit, Tobit & Probit models", February 23-25, 2013.
Workshop on "Data Envelopment Analysis", January 17, 2013.
Workshop on "Using Time Series with R", December 26-31, 2012.
Workshop on "Using Multiple Linear Regression with R", October 6, 2012
Workshop on "Using Econometrics with R", August 22-31, 2012.
Workshop on "Data Analysis Using SPSS" on July 27, 2011.
Workshop on "People’s Plan for Mumbai: A Dialogue", March 28, 2011.
Workshop on "Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure" on July, 2010.
Workshop on the "Motor Vehicles Act – The Amendments Required Therein", November 21, 2009.
Contact: Department of Economics, University of Mumbai, Ranade Bhavan, Third Floor, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Mumbai 400 098.
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