Seminars and Events
Seminars/Workshops/Lectures/Talks / Events held 1999-April
1) Problem areas in the
teaching of Russian language (Seminar, 1999)
2) Concepts of Spoken Russian (Seminar,
3) Lyrics in the Russian Classroom,
Workshop conducted by Dr.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, with Ms.
Marcheva from Bulgaria (Workshop: March 2003)
4) Russkaya rech (Spoken Russian):
Workshop- cum- Summer Programme on Spoken Russian
(duration-24 hrs in four weeks) conducted by Dr.Laxmi S.
Mikaelyan. (Workshop- cum- Summer Programme : Summer
vacation 2003)
5) Osip Mandelstam (1891-1938) Stikhi,
sudba, rukopisi. (Talk by Ms E.V. Alekseeva ,independent
researcher from Princeton, USA: 2004)
6) Reading Pushkin. Session I.
Reciting Pushkin. Session II. Resource Person Ms. E.V.
Alekseeva , independent researcher from Princeton, USA.
(Workshop in Two Sessions: March 2004)
7) "Contemporary Trends in Russian
Language & literature Teaching – Issues and Perspectives"
13th & 14th December, 2004 (International
Seminar: 2004)
Organized jointly with the Central Department of the
Consulate General of the Russian Federation Culture Centre
of Russia), with the participation of a delegation of 12
Russian Scholars under the leadership of Dr. Yuri Prokhorov,
Rector, Pushkin Institute of Russian Language, Moscow. It
attracted an equal number of participants from all the major
Universities in Maharashtra, and the National Defence
Academy as well as other organizations, where Russian is
8) "Religion in Russia" Talk by
Mikhail Chistyakov, on 23.02.05
9) "St. Petersburg – Petrograd –
Leningrad – St. Petersburg " Talk by Mikhail Chistyakov
on 06.03.05
17. International Seminar
"Processes in Russian
Language, Literature and Methodology
of Teaching Russian Today"
co-organised by the
University Department of Russian and the Cultural
Centre of Russia (The
Cultural Department of the Consulate General of the Russian
Federation in Mumbai)
in Collaboration
Saint-Petersburg State
University & The Russian Society of the Teachers of Russian
Language and Literature
30th, 31st October and 1st
November 2006 .
18. The
Department of Russian
(University of Mumbai) and the Cultural
Centre of Russia (Consulate General of the Russian
Federation) organized a weeklong Russian Film Festival
and Photo Exhibition (Depicting 60 years of Diplomatic
Relations between Russian & India) from 22nd
February – 28th February 2007 at the J. N.
Library, Kalina Campus.
19. A two day international
Russian Language Seminar "Lessons in Russian" was
organized by the Cultural Centre of Russia jointly with the
Department of Russian, University of Mumbai on 26th
& 27th November, 2008.
20. Teaching Strategies & Learning
Techniques "A Day of Russian" in collaboration
with the Cultural Department of the Consulate General of the
Russian Federation, 22.02.12.
21. Lecture on "Obzor russkoi
literaturi s 19 veka do nashikh dnei" by Dr. Indira
Musaeva on 28.02.2012.
22. Lecture on " Russia and
china – mysteries in their own way" by Mr. Ali Shahanshah on
23. One-day Regional seminar on the
Topic: "Facets of teaching/ learning Russian" on
Thursday, 28.03.2013.
24. Programme of lectures and
poem recitations "Remembering and celebrating A.S.Pushkin
" on 06.06.2013
25. A
two- day International Conference "Reception of Maxim
Gorky in India" was organized by the University
Departments of Russian and Gujarati on the 28th
& 29th November, 2013.
26. National Seminar on the
Topic:"Reading and Understanding A. P. Chekhov on
Saturday, 28.03.2015.
Publications in the Department 2003-2015
1. "Twenty-Four Hours of Russian ",
by Dr.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, University of Mumbai
Press, 2004.
"Lyrics in the Russian classroom", compiled & translated
by Dr. Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, University of Mumbai
Press, 2004.
Инновации и изменения в русской лексике
( Original in Russian; Title translated into
English : "Innovations and Changes in Russian Lexis after
Perestroika") by Dr.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, pp 408-414
in Proceedings of the Theoretical and Practical Conference
‘Motinskiye Readings’ on Professional Pedagogic Traditions
in the Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language, held
in Moscow 12-14 October 2005, Part 2,
published by the Izdatelstvo of RUDN, Moscow, Russia.
4. Этнолингвистический подход при обучении
русскому языку как иностранному
( Original
in Russian; Title translated into English : "
Ethnolinguistic approach in the teaching of Russian as a
Foreign Language") by Dr.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan, pp
30-36 in "Russian Philology. Occasional papers. Number
33, 2005", Central Institute of English and Foreign
languages, Hyderabad, 2005.
5. Dr.(Smt) Laxmi S. Mikaelyan,
Reader , Department of Russian, University of Mumbai
Book: Moya Kniga : Russian Zero
Level to Basic (Russian Textbook for Beginners)
Publisher: University of Mumbai; 2007.
6. Пословицы
русского языка – учебный ресурс и
учебная стратегия (Article in Russian: Title
translated into English "Russian proverbs as a teaching
resource and a teaching strategy"), by Dr.Laxmi S.
Mikaelyan, pp 91-93 in the Research Journal "Vestnik
RUDN, Seriya Voprosy obrazovaniya: yazyki I spetsial’nost",
Issue #4, 2009, Moscow
Некоторые процессы
русификации лексических заимствований в русском языке начала
(Article in Russian: Title translated into English
"Certain Procceses of rusification of lexical borrowings in
Russian language in the beginning of XXI century"),
by Dr.Laxmi S. Mikaelyan,
pp. 143 – 151 (in "Kompleks
nauchna-metodicheskikh meropriatii po problemam
prepodavaniya russkovo yazyka kak inostrannovo" published by
the TGPUniversity named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula, Russia,