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Arts > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Persian

Full time Course in Persian
Part time Course in Persian


University Department of Persian, was started with effect from 9th June, 1993, after dividing the then Department of Foreign Languages, which was in its turn, established in 1964. It is housed in the Department of Persian, University of Mumbai, Ranade Bhavan, 1st Floor, Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 98.

Persian has a centuries old long history in this country. Persian was still the official language and the language of the elites when the University of Mumbai was established in the year 1857 A.D. Even before the University came up, Persian was widely taught in all the then existing institutions. University teaching of Persian is almost as old as the University itself. But prior to the year 1965, when Persian as a constitutent section was added to the former Department of Foreign Languages, teaching of Persian Language was done by the affiliated colleges of the University.

The separate and Independent Department of Persian, enjoys academic freedom and ample opportunities to grow and develop on its own independently.


Persian Language is very important to our country from cultural, social and historical points of view histories of India are written in Persian. The contribution of Persian Language and literature towards the sublime and noble spirit of unity in diversity is immense. Persian is an important aid to promote and popularize Persian studies country.

Financial aid to students: Departmental scholarship of Rs. 1,500/- for deserving students.

Student achievements and Awards: One student was awarded Gold Medal by the University stood among all the students who offered subjects at M.A. Degree Course Examination.

Any formal sports / cultural events for students: Department arranges get together of all Persian students on all important occasion such as Teacher's Day, Independence Day, Republic Day, Id etc.

Innovations :

Historical development of Persian language and literature in different regions of the country with special reference to Maharashtra and Deccan.

Moreover, the Department has recently made an attempt to explore possibility to bring the recent modern Persian literature in general under the focus of critical scrutiny and research. We have the students to take up research in this area.

Department also conducts Certificate Course and Diploma Course in Persian, wherein the Colloquial Persian as used in real life situations, in Persian speaking societies of the world.

New Academic programmes initiated (PG. Add on courses, self-supporting course etc.):

The course of simultaneous interpretation is under the active consideration of the Department. The actively exploring the possibility of introducing a course of calligraphy in Persian.

Inter-disciplinary programmes started:

All languages students and History students have the facilities to offer two papers of Persian as general paper.

Special efforts taken for teaching in the Department (such as : Design of Curriculum, The Demonstration Experiments, Evaluation methods, Preparation of resource materials, Remedial Teaching

The Department has been designing the curriculum whenever it is periodically revised.

The Department has introduced direct teaching method oriented to electronic media.

Periodical tests are arranged and the performances of the students are evaluated on object methods.

The Department provides relevant source material with Computer typed notes and annotation etc.

Remedial Teaching: Extra lectures are arranged for students at the end of the terms and difficulties are redressed by the teachers as an additional coaching before the examination every academic year.


The Department offers various facilities to the students relating to electronic aids. We have audio-video cassettes on relevant books. We have CDs relating to the recent development and current affairs of Iran as well as other Persian speaking societies plus we offer students book facilities from our Departmental library as ready reference for their studies. We have audiocassettes of "Azfa" series of Persian learning for beginners. These audio cassettes are in the voice of some of the broadcasters of Radio-Iran so that students could listen to sophisticated native speakers and should understand the subtleties of the spoken language by the elites of the native speakers and catch the fine points of phonetics and nuances of the spoken language.

Time to time we evaluate students. Assignments are given to the students on different subjects and assessed.

Help Desk :

Department of Persian,
University of Mumbai,
Ranade Bhavan, 1st floor,
Kalina Campus,
Santacruz (E),
Mumbai - 400 098.

Tel No. 2652 83 59 (Direct)
2652 60 91 (Board) Ext. No. 319


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