Courses Admission
Form The Department offers the following Courses Certificate
Course in Persian Diploma Course in Persian M.A. Degree Course in
Persian Ph.D. Degree Course in Persian All the courses at the Department
are organized and conducted as per the rules of the University of Mumbai. M.A
DEGREE COURSE Students seeking admission to M.A. Degree Course should
have completed their B.A. with Persian Language and Literature, as a main or subsidiary
subject. However, under the Ordinance of 2237, graduates from the University of
Mumbai or from the University recognized by the University of Mumbai in any faculty
who have studied the Persian Language for several years, may be recommended by
the Department of Persian, for admission to the M.A. Degree Course of this University.
After they have undergone an entrance test and found suitable. The Entrance
test consisting of two papers, as under, shall be administered in the subject
of Persian to enable him/her to register for M.A. Degree Course. (i) An
Essay Paper in the subject. (ii) A paper to test the student's general acquaintance
with the subject. The following will be the scheme of Papers for M.A. Degree
Course, Part (I) and Part (II). M.A. (Part I) Subordinate Paper
I - Prose-(to be taught in Part I) (i) Classical Persian Prose Text 50 Marks
(ii) Modern Persian Prose Text 50 Marks Including points of Scholarship
and criticism and unseen passages for translation both from Persian into English
and English into Persian. Additional for Principal Paper III-Prose-(to
be taught in Part I) (i) Classical Persian Prose Text 50 Marks (ii)
Modern Persian Prose Text 50 Marks In this case Text will be of more difficult
character than those prescribed for the subordinate papers including points of
scholarship and criticism. Paper V- (A General Paper)- (to be taught in
Part I) Paper containing - (i) An Essay in Persian on a subject connected
with the History of Persian Literature or on the Subject of Prescribed
book 30 marks (ii) Paraphrase in Persian of an unseen Modern Persian
Poem 10 marks (iii) Paragraph writing in Persian on themes pertaining
to current Political, Social and Religious Life of the People in Iran 15 marks
(iv) Commercial Correspondence in Persian 15 marks (v) Study of Philology,
Prosody and Rhetoric 30 marks Alternative to Second Language Paper
VII- (Modern Persian Literature)- (to be taught in Part I) (i) Detailed
study of a Modern Persian Poet of Iran with special reference to his outstanding
Work or work prescribed (work/or verses to be prescribed by the Board of
Studies from Time to time) 50 marks (ii) Detailed study of Modern Persian
Prose Writer Of Iran with special reference to his outstand- ing work and
Or/Works prescribed. (Work to be prescribed by the Board of Studies from
OF THE BOOKS PRESCRIBED M. A. (Part I) (Papers I, III, V, VII) Paper
Maqala by Nizami Aruzi Samarqandi Discourse I and II (b) MODERN PERSIAN
PROSE Huma by Mohd. Hijazi Paper III:- PERSIAN PROSE (PRINCIPAL) (a)
Sadique Chubak (Short Stories) From : Shagufa ha-e-naw\ Edited
by :Dr.Shamsuddin, Kashmir University Paper V:- GENERAL PERSIAN i.
An Essay in Persian on a subject connected with the History of Persian (30) ii.
Paraphrase in Persian of an unseen Modern Persian Poem (10). iii. Paragraph
writing in Persian in themes pertaining to current, (15) political, social and
religious life of the people in Iran and India. iv. Commercial correspondence
in Persian (15) v. Study of philology, prosody and rhetorics (30) Paper
MODERN PERSIAN PROSE WRITER Buf-e-kur by: Sadique Hedayat (b) MODERN
PERSIAN POET Rasheed Yasmi Poem from Barguzada-e-Sha`ir-e-Faarsi-e-Ma`asir by
Dr. Muneebur rehman Page # 41, 42, 73, 163, 233, 234 M.A. Part
II Subordinate
Paper II--(Poetry)-- (to be taught in Part II)
(i) Classical Persian Prose Text 50 Marks (ii) Modern Persian Prose Text 50
Marks Including points of Scholarship and criticism and unseen passages
for translation both from Persian into English and English into Persian. Additional
for Principal Paper IV--(Poetry)-- (to be taught in Part II) (i) Classical
Persian Prose Text 50 Marks (ii) Modern Persian Prose Text 50 Marks In
this case Text will be of more difficult character than those for the subordinate
papers, including points of scholarship and criticism. Paper VI-(History
of Persian Literature) ( to be taught in Part II) One Paper containing- (i)
History of Classical Persian Literature (Iranian) 50 marks (ii) History
of Modern Persian Literature (Iranian) 25 marks (iii) History of Persian
Literature(Indian) 25 marks Alternative to Second Language Paper VIII
- (Indian Persian Literature) - (to be taught in Part II) (i) Detailed study
of Persian poet of India. (Works/or Verses to be prescribed by the Board
of Studies from time to time) 50 marks (ii) Detailed study of Persian Prose
Writer of India, with special reference to preferably an outstanding work
of History pertaining to Mughal and or/Maratha period. (Works to be prescribed
by the Board of Studies from time to time) 50 marks (Books to be prescribed
by the Board of Studies from time to time) The details of syllabi and the
list of books prescribed for the M.A. Degree Course in Persian are available for
sale at the University Publication Centre, University of Mumbai, Fort, Mumbai
- 400 032. Fees: M.A. (I) : Total fees amounts to Rs. 2,276/- approximately.
M.A. (II) : Total fees amounts to Rs. 1,451/- approximately. M. A. (Part
GHAZALIYAT-E-HAFIZ By Hafiz Sheerazi From : Dewaan-e-Hafiz Translated
by : Qazi Sajjad Hussain. (c) MODERN PERSIAN POETRY Poems by Nimayun-shij i.
Afsana ii Aai Shab iii. Kar-i-Shabpa iv. Qu-Quli-Qu From : Bar
guzeeda-e-sha`ir-e-farsi-e-ma`asir. by : Dr. Muneebur Rehman Paper IV:-
MODERN PERSIAN POETRY Qasaid-e-Bahar From : Bar guzeeda-e-sha`ir-e-farsi-e-mu`asir. by
: Dr. Muneebur Rehman Page # 8, 10, 12, 14,17,20,30. Paper VI:-
(a) History of Persian Literature (Iran Classical)
- (Timurid Period) (b) History of Persian Literature (Iran Modern) - (19th
& 20th Century). (c) History of Persian Literature ( Indian) - (Mughal
Period) Paper VIII:- CLASSICAL PERSIAN PROSE (a) Classical Persian
Prose Jung Nameh - by Na' imat Khan Ali (b) Classical Persian Poetry Ghazaliyat-I-Ameer
Khusraw Dehlvi Radeef "Te" First 20 Ghazals From:-
Diwan-E-Ameer Khusraw Edited By Dr. Anwar-Ul-Hasan Publisher:- Raja Ram
Kumar Book Depot Lucknow Ph.D. DEGREE COURSE Students seeking
admission to Ph.D Research Degree Course in Persian should have completed his
M.A. Degree Course with Persian Language and Literature, as a principal or subordinate
subject. However, under the Ordinance 767, candidates from the University of Mumbai
or from the University, recognized by the University of Mumbai, who have studied
Persian for several years, may be recommended by the Department for admission
to the Ph.D Degree Course, after they have undergone an entrance test, oral/written
or both. As per the rule of the University of Mumbai under the Ordinance 767.
The duration of the course is minimum two years that is four academic terms. Fees:
Total Fees amounts to Rs. 2,654/- approximately per annum. For the attention
of those Students who are not Graduates of the University of Mumbai Candidates
who are not graduates of the University of Mumbai and who seek admission to any
of the courses conducted by the Department should first get an Eligibility Certificate
from the University of Mumbai. They will have to produce their Original Degree
Certificate, Mark Sheet, from the University from which they have graduated, while
applying for the Eligibility Certificate. Application fro the Eligibility Certificate
has to be handed over in the Eligibility Section. University of Mumbai, Ground
floor, Ranade Bhavan, Vidyanagari, Kalina Campus, Santacruz (East), Mumbai - 400
098, and not in the Department. Candidates desirous of joining any of the courses
offered by the Department, are requested to note that unless they produce the
Eligibility Certificate along with their application form they can not be admitted
to the course, (for confirmation of eligibility, candidates will have to produce
Original Degree Certificate, Statement of Marks, Migration Certificate along with
True Copies/ Xerox Copies of each of the Certificate before the end of the First
Term of the Academic Year 1998-99 to the Department.) CERTIFICATE AND
DIPLOMA COURSES For the information of all those seeking admission
to the Certificate and Diploma Course in Persian, the following rules of the University
of Mumbai, the following rules of the University of Mumbai, are produced below. A
candidate for being eligible for admission to the Certificate Course must have
passed S.S.C. Examination of the Maharashtra Secondary Board of Examination. A
candidate for being eligible for admission to the Diploma Course, must have passed
the Certificate Course Examination in Persian conducted by this University or
of a University, recognized by the University of Mumbai. Every student admitted
to the course for the Certificate/Diploma Course in Persian shall first get registered
himself as such, with the University. The fee prescribed for Registration
shall be Rs. 40/- Q. 107. The tuition fee for the students in the Department
shall be as under:-- Each student of the Certificate Course shall pay a
fee of Rs. 500/- per annum. Each student of the Diploma Course shall pay
a fee of Rs. 600/- per annum. The Course of Study of the Certificate/Diploma
Course in Persian shall be a part-time course and its duration shall extend over
two academic terms in one year. The Examination for the Certificate/Diploma
Course in Persian shall be held at the end of the Course i.e. at the end of the
two academic terms. An unsuccessful candidate may, on payment of tuition
fee and the fee for renewal of registration, be permitted to rejoin the course
provided vacancies exist in the class after admission of fresh students. A
candidate for being eligible for admission to the examination shall satisfy the
following requirements, pertaining to attendance:-- (1) Under Ordinance
119 the following shall be minimum attendance necessary for keeping terms:-- Faculty
of Arts First Term Second Term Three-fourth of the Three-fourth of the
days on which lec- days on which lec- tures are delivered. tures are
delivered. (2) He shall produce a certificate from the Head of the Department
that his progress is satisfactory, that his conduct is a good and that he
has his permission to appear for the examination. The Examination for
the Certificate/Diploma Course in Persian shall be held once in a year on such
date as may be fixed in that behalf under Q 216. Written Examination One
paper of three hours carrying - 100 marks:-- (a) Translation of simple
unseen passages 30 marks (b) Composition on given themes from the text 25
marks (c) Comprehension of an unseen passage or passages 25 marks (d)
Questions on Grammar 20 marks ----------------- Total : 100 marks Oral
and Dictation Oral and Dictation - 50 marks (a) Reading 15 marks (b)
Dictation 15 marks (c) Conversation 20 marks -------------- Total :
50 marks --------------- The following is the scheme for examination
for the Diploma Course:-- Written Examination One paper of Three hours
carrying - 100 marks:-- (a) Translation of simple unseen passages 30 marks
(b) Composition on given themes from the text 25 marks (c) Questions on the
text 25 marks (d) Questions on Grammar 20 marks -----------------
Total : 100 marks ----------------- Oral and Dictation Oral text
of 50 marks
(a) Reading including recitation 15 marks (b) Comprehension
15 marks (c) Conversation 20 marks -------------- Total : 50 marks
--------------- Standard of Passing the Examination For Certificate and
Diploma Course A candidate must obtain 50 percent of the full marks in
the written and oral examination separately. The detailed syllabi for
the Certificate and Diploma Course in Persian along with the scheme of the Examination
are available for sale at the University Publication Section, University of Mumbai,
Fort, Mumbai-400 032. Office Hours: From 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Except
II & IV Saturdays) (1.0 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. Lunch Break) Payment
of Fees : Selected candidates should collect the challan slips from
the Department Office and pay their fees I the Allahabad Bank, Kalina Branch,
Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098, between (10.30 a.m. to 2.30. pm. From Monday
to Friday) and (10.30 a.m. to 12.30 noon on Saturday.) Please note that Challan
Copy should be produced in the office immediately. Note : 1. A List of candidates
selected for admission will be placed on the Notice Board of the Department
as soon as the admissions are finalized. No other intimation will be sent
to the students in this matter. 2. The students will also be required to
satisfy such other requirements as may be down by the University and the Department
of Persian from time to time. Scholarship : Departmental
scholarship of Rs. 1500/- is awarded to deserving students.