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Atrs > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Linguistics


Academic Staff

All the faculty members are involved in research and publications (see Faculty Profile for more details).

Dr. Avinash Pandey 

Research projects 

1.      ‘Orality in the Structuralist Philosophy of Language’ funded by ICPR, New Delhi during the period 2011-2013. 

2.      ‘Linguistic Landscape of Vasai’ a minor research project  funded by   UGC was completed during the period 2011-2012.

  1. Co- Principal Investigator for a project on ‘Development of Pronunciation Lexicon based on Experimental Studies of Phonetics and Phonemics of 5 Indian Languages, Marathi Chapter’ in collaboration with Dr. Nandini Bondale, TIFR funded by Department of Information Technology through TIFR, Mumbai for the period 2012-2015. 


Research Fellowship  

Associate Fellow of UGC Inter-University Centre of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIAS, Shimla for the period 2012-2015. 


Ph.D. and M.Phil. Programme 

A list of the Ph.D. students and their research titles in recent years is as follows:


Name of the Student



Ms. Renuka Ozarkar

“Structures of Marathi Verbs”


Ms. Shaima Al-Issa


“Literary Narratives, Culture and Ideology : A

Semiolinguistic Study of Orhan Pamuk’s Fictional Discourse”

Ms. Anjali Singh


“English in India and in Japan”


Mr. Mohammad B. Aghaei


“A Semiotic Analysis of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Novels”

Mr. Jalvi Rajeev Ramkrishna

‘Hearing Impairment and Linguistic Development : Issues and Perspectives’ 




A list of the current M.Phil students and titles of their research is as follows:


Name of the Student

Area/Topic of Research

Ms. Manasi Nadkarni

Sociolinguistics variation in Konkani of Goa


Ms. Vrushali Surve

Stylistic Analysis of Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland


Ms. Harsha Bhatt

Yet to be decided




MA Programme

The MA students in the Department submit a dissertation as part of the Field Methods course in the 4th Semester, in which they collect the data and analyse the structures of a language not known to them. The MA students in the Department have worked on the various aspects of the following languages:


Indo-Ayan languages







Tangkhul Naga











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