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Arts > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Linguistics


MA in Linguistics

About the course
The MA programme in Linguistics is a 2year (4 semesters), full time, regular course. The admission process for the MA programme normally starts in the month of June-July each year.
The students are expected to undertake 16 courses (4 courses each semester). Out of these 16 courses, 8 core courses are obligatory and the remaining 8 courses can be chosen from the electives offered by the Department.
For this programme, the Department follows the Credit Based Semester and Grading System. This involves a home-assignment, a mid-semester exam and an end-semester exam for each course.

Highlights of the Programme
The M.A. programme includes the courses with a large practical import.Courses such as Computational Linguistics, Lexicography, Basic Semiotics, Media Semiotics, Educational Linguistics, Translation: Theory & Practice offer career training.
Courses such as Introduction to Sociolinguistics; Language, Power and Inequality; Language, Culture and Nation; Introduction to Pragmatics promote community orientation.
Courses such as Introduction to Linguistics, Morphosyntax, Formal Semantics, Analysing Structures of Modern Indian Languages, Analysing Meaning in Natural Languages, Historical Linguistics are incorporated to develop the analytic skills of the students.
All courses are designed to introduce the students to the latest research trends.
A major highlight of the Programme is the Field Methods course offered in the 4th Semester. This course exposes the students to the techniques of the field work and data collection. This course not only provides the students an opportunity to use the analytical skills acquired during the Programme, but also provides them an opportunity to interact with the community using the language being studied.

Syllabus Click here.

Eligibility: A graduate from any discipline can apply for the course.

Admission Process
Students for the programme are selected through a written entrance exam conducted by the Department around June-July every year. The written entrance exam consists of descriptive questions. Its duration is 2 hours (40 marks).
Inquiries about the programme can be made throughout the year in the Office of the Department.

Fee Structure: Sem. I & II - Rs. 5, 585/-
Sem.III & IV – Rs. 4,230/-


For Syllabus click here


As per University rules.

Certificate Course in Phonetics and Phonology

About the course
The Certificate Course in Phonetics and Phonology is being offered in the Department since 2009-2010. It is aimed at sensitizing the students of this Course to the patterns of sounds in human languages and has a lot of practical import. Phonetics is a scientific study of sounds used in human languages, while phonology is a study of the patterns of speech sounds in human languages. The students in this Course are trained to perceive and identify a variety of different speech sounds used in the various languages of the world, to understand the mechanisms of speech production (pronunciation) and transcribe the sounds in different languages using the International Phonetic Alphabets. The Course also teaches various methods of analyzing sound patterns in human language.
Language educators, special educators especially those dealing with speech pathology, schools teachers, anyone interested in studying the patterns of languages, people working in the areas of speech recognition/ speech synthesis, forensic phonetics etc. who have no prior background in linguistics would benefit from this Course. This Course is not aimed at training anyone to improve the pronunciation of any language or acquire speaking skills.
The Course starts in late July-August every year and culminates in March-April. The Course will be conducted on Sundays.
Its evaluation consists of a written exam and Viva-Voce at the end of the Course, in March-April. Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate from the University of Mumbai.

Syllabus Click here

Eligibility HSC (12th standard) in any faculty

Admission Process
The admissions for this Course start immediately after the declaration of HSC results every year, i.e. in June. The intake capacity of the Course is 50.
The inquiries about the Course can be made in the Office of the Department throughout the year.

Fee Structure

Registration / Admission Fee : Rs. 40/-
Tuition Fee : Rs.2000/-
Examination Fee : Rs. 300/-


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