Entrance Exam for 2015 - 16 for BA & MA
Full-Time Degree Programmes: (Semester & Credit System)
B.A. in German Studies
M.A. in German Studies
M.A.(Hons.) in German Studies
M.Phil. in German
Ph.D. in German
Part-Time Programmes in German*:
6. Certificate in German
7. Diploma in German
8. Advanced Diploma in German
9. Short-Term / Intensive Basic Certificate Course in German
10. Short-Term Intensive Diploma Course in German
11. Diploma in Commercial & Technical Translation & Tourism
12. Short-Term Certificate Course in German
13. Conversational Course in German for Beginners (Summer
Part-Time Programme in Marathi*:
14. Certificate in Communicative Marathi Level 1
15. Diploma in Communicative Marathi Level 2
Part-Time Programmes in Japanese*:
16. Certificate in Japanese
17. Diploma in Japanese
18. Advanced Diploma in Japanese
19. Diploma in Business Japanese
20. Diploma in Conversational Japanese
* All part time programmes will be offered subject to a minimum
intake of 15 candidates
All programmes at the Department are organized and conducted
as per the rules of the University of Mumbai.
Every student seeking admission to a programme shall first
register himself / herself at the Department of German,
University of Mumbai.
Fees for all programmes are subject to change and do not
include examination fees or costs of the course material.
Exam fees for all part-time programmes are to be paid in the
month of December.
Identity card for all full-time and part-time programmes
should be made at the time of admission.
2. |
Programme: |
Programme Description & Structure: |
This integrated programme will enable the students to
attain a B.A. (three years), degree in German. Besides
giving in-depth knowledge of German language, literature
and culture, this programme also promotes possibility of
intercultural studies leading to a better understanding
between cultures. Technical Translation and Business
German are also offered within the framework of the B.A.
programmes. There shall be six semesters at the B.A.
Intake Capacity = 30 students.
The B.A. programme in German Studies is structured as
per semester and credit system. The following courses
are offered at each level:
F.Y.B.A. in German Studies |
Course Codes |
Semester I |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 101 |
Structural Study of German I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 102 |
Structural Study of German II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 103 |
German Culture & Civilisation I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 104 |
Communication Skills in German I |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 105 |
Communication Skills in English I |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 106 |
Foundation Course in German I
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills |
2 |
2 |
Total |
15 |
15 |
Course Codes |
Semester II |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 201 |
Structural Study of German III |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 202 |
Structural Study of German IV |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 203 |
German Culture & Civilisation II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 204 |
Communication Skills in German II |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 205 |
Communication Skills in English II |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 206 |
Foundation Course in German II
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills |
2 |
2 |
Total |
15 |
15 |
S.Y.B.A. in German Studies |
Course Codes |
Semester III |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 301 |
Advanced Structural Study of German I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 302 |
Advanced Structural Study of German II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 303 |
History of German Culture & Civilisation I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 304 |
History of German Literature I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 305 |
Study of Literary Texts I |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 306 |
Communication Skills in German III |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 307 |
Foundation Course in German III |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 308 |
The students may opt for any part-time programme
including Foreign Language of the University of Mumbai
of min. 60 teaching hrs. annually provided they fulfill
the eligibility criteria |
2 |
2 |
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills
Total |
22 |
22 |
Course Codes |
Semester IV |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 401 |
Advanced Structural Study of German III |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 402 |
Advanced Structural Study of German IV |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 403 |
History of German Culture & Civilisation II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 404 |
History of German Literature II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 405 |
Study of Literary Texts II |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 406 |
Communication Skills in German IV |
3 |
3 |
UAGER 407 |
Foundation Course in German IV |
2 |
2 |
UAGER 408 |
The students may opt for any part-time programme
including Foreign Language of the University of Mumbai
of min. 60 teaching hrs. annually provided they fulfill
the eligibility criteria
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills |
2 |
2 |
Total |
22 |
22 |
T.Y.B.A. in German Studies |
Course Codes |
Semester V |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 501 |
Drama and Prose I |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 502 |
History of German Literature III |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 503 |
History of Art I |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 504 |
Linguistics I |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 505 |
Essay and Commercial Correspondence I |
3.5 |
3.5 |
UAGER 506 |
Translation Skills I
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills |
3.5 |
3.5 |
Total |
23 |
23 |
Course Codes |
Semester VI |
Hrs/week |
Credits |
UAGER 601 |
Drama and Prose II |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 602 |
History of German Literature IV |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 603 |
History of Art II |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 604 |
Linguistics II |
4 |
4 |
UAGER 605 |
Essay and Commercial Correspondence II |
3.5 |
3.5 |
UAGER 606 |
Translation Skills II
Remedial Course: Advanced German Skills |
3.5 |
3.5 |
Total |
23 |
23 |
2.1 |
Eligibility: |
Candidates passed with 45% in HSC OR any other
equivalent XII Standard Exam (ICSE, CBSE, IB) recognised
by the University of Mumbai. Admission shall be done on
merit basis i.e. according to the percentage in the
qualifying exam and performance in the entrance test
(PI) conducted by the Department of German. Reservation
of seats as per University rules and policies. No
prior German knowledge is required for admission to
F.Y.B.A. in German Studies.
Old Eligibility requirement also valid:
The candidate should have cleared with 45% in HSC or any
other equivalent exam having chosen German as a Foreign
Language in the XII standard, OR cleared with 45%
in HSC and cleared the Diploma Programme in German
offered by the University of Mumbai, or any other Indian
University, OR
cleared with 45% in HSC and cleared B 1 /
Grundstufe 3 offered by
Goethe Institute worldwide (Max Mueller Bhavan in
Eligibility Criteria for the Second Year of the B.A. in
German Studies
F.Y.B.A. of the B.A. in German Studies offered by the
University of Mumbai, or any other University,
recognized by the University of Mumbai. OR
First Year of the Bachelors’ Programme of the University
of Mumbai in any discipline, or any other University,
recognized by the University of Mumbai + Passed A2 level
of the Goethe Institute/MMB or Passed Diploma in German
of the University of Mumbai, or any other University,
recognized by the University of Mumbai or having
equivalent German language competence + Passed the
written and oral entrance test of the Department of
German, University of Mumbai.
Calculation of credits: For candidates joining B.A. in
German Studies at the S.Y.B.A. level, 30 credits shall
be assigned for the First Year and their First Year
marks/Grades shall be calculated / converted into Grades
(letter grade and grade point) according to the existing
Marks-Grades conversion scale being followed by the
University of Mumbai.
The following fees for B.A. in German Studies shall be
applicable for each year. |
2.2 |
Fee Structure: |
xiii) |
Tuition fees
Library fees
Students’ Union
Cultural Activities
Sports & Culture
Disaster Relief
I - Card
Total Fees
Eligibility, if required |
Rs. 2500/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 380/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 6/-
Rs. 125/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 30/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 3161/- Fees subject to change
Rs. 220/-
Rs. 220/- (within Maharashtra)
Rs. 320/- (outside Maharashtra)
Rs. 750/- (Foreign Nationals) |
Exam Fees: |
For FYBA & SYBA : Rs. 1320 (Rs. 660/- per semester) will
be taken at the time of admission |
2.3 |
Duration: |
Six Semesters |
2.4 |
Timings: |
Six days a week |
2.5 |
Exam: |
Continuous Evaluation (25 marks) & Semester End Exam (75
marks). |
2.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
Students should secure minimum 2 grade points i.e. a
letter grade E in each course and have 75% attendance.
3. |
Programme: |
Description & Structure: |
M.A. in German Studies at the Department of German
offers the choice of specialisation with Culture Studies
or Translation. The M.A. programme is a credit based
four-semester programme of 2 years duration. It shall
comprise of common papers in German classics,
literature, theory of literature, linguistics &
stylistics, European cultural history, cultural studies,
comparative aesthetics, didactics, theory and
methodology of translation, literary translation,
research methodology and concepts of philosophy and
schools of thought. Students opting for the
comprehensive M.A. in German Studies programme shall
also have core courses on German film and current trends
in cultural studies. Students opting for M.A. in German
Studies with specialisation in Translation shall also
have core courses on Business & Commercial Translation,
Scientific & Technical Translation & Translation of
Patent Texts.
Course Code |
SEMESTER I: Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 101 |
Novel & Drama (Roman und Drama) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 102 |
Introduction to European Cultural History
(Einführung in die Europäische Kulturgeschichte) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER103 |
Research Methodology (Wissenschaftliche
Arbeitstechnik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER104 |
Translation I : Theory of Translation
(Ãœbersetzungswissenschaft) |
4 |
6 |
Total |
16 |
24 |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 201 |
Contemporary German Literature (Deutsche
Gegenwartsliteratur) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 202 |
Theories of Literature (Literaturtheorien)
4 |
6 |
PAGER 203 |
Linguistics & Stylistics (Linguistik und
Stilistik) |
4 |
6 |
Film Studies (Filmstudien) OR
Translation II : Business & Commercial
Translation (Wirtschaftsdeutsch) |
4 |
6 |
Total |
16 |
24 |
Course |
Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 301 |
German Classics (Kanon deutscher Literatur) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 302 |
Introduction to German Philosophy
(Einführung in die deutsche Philosophie) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 303 |
Didactics I (Didaktik I) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 304 |
Culture Studies: Concepts and Critique
(Kulturwissenschaft: Konzepte und Kritik) OR
Translation III : Scientific & Technical
Translation (Ãœbersetzung wissenschaftlicher und
technischer Texte) |
4 |
6 |
Total |
16 |
24 |
Course |
SEMESTER IV: Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 401 |
German Poetry (Deutsche Lyrik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 402 |
Comparative Aesthetics (Vergleichende Ästhetik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 403 |
Didactics II (Didaktik II) OR
Translation IV: Sec.
I: Patent / Technical Texts (Ãœbersetzung von
Patenten / technischen Texten) & Sec. II
Translation of Literary Texts
(Ãœbersetzung literarischer Texte) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 404 |
Dissertation/Translation Project/Teaching
Practicals+ Viva
Viva) |
- |
6 |
Total |
16 |
24 |
M.A. (HONS.)
Course Code |
Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 101 |
Novel & Drama (Roman und Drama) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 102 |
Introduction to European Cultural History
(Einführung in die Europäische Kulturgeschichte) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER103 |
Research Methodology (Wissenschaftl.
Arbeitstechnik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER104 |
Translation I: Theory of Translation
(Ãœbersetzungswissenschaft) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERA 105 |
Advanced German Skills (Tutorials) OR
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 105 |
Project on German Literary History (1600 -1832)
OR |
- |
PAGERC 105 |
Project on Translation |
- |
20 |
30 |
Course Code |
SEMESTER II: Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 201 |
Contemporary German Literature (Deutsche
Gegenwartsliteratur) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 202 |
Theories of Literature (Literaturtheorien)
4 |
6 |
PAGER 203 |
Linguistics & Stylistics (Linguistik und
Stilistik) |
4 |
6 |
Film Studies (Filmstudien) OR
Translation II: Business & Commercial
Translation (Wirtschaftsdeutsch) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERA 205 |
Advanced German Skills (Tutorials) OR |
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 205 |
Project on German Literary History (1832-1914)
OR |
- |
PAGERC 205 |
Project on Translation |
- |
20 |
30 |
Course |
SEMESTER III: Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 301 |
German Classics (Kanon deutscher Literatur) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 302 |
Introduction to German Philosophy
(Einführung in die deutsche Philosophie) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 303 |
Didactics I (Didaktik I) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 304 |
Culture Studies: Concepts and Critique
(Kulturwissenschaft: Konzepte und Kritik) OR
Translation III : Scientific & Technical
Translation (Ãœbersetzung wissenschaftlicher und
technischer Texte) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERA 305 |
Advanced German Skills (Tutorials) OR
4 |
PAGERB 305 |
Project on German Literary History (1914-1989)
OR |
- |
PAGERC 305 |
Project on Translation |
- |
20 |
30 |
Course |
Course Title |
Hrs /week |
Credits |
PAGER 401 |
German Poetry (Deutsche Lyrik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 402 |
Comparative Aesthetics (Vergleichende Ästhetik) |
4 |
6 |
PAGERB 403 |
Didactics II (Didaktik II) OR
Translation IV: Sec.
I: Patent/Technical Texts (Ãœbersetzung von
Patenten/technischen Texten) &
Sec. II Translation of Literary Texts
(Ãœbersetzung literarischer Texte) |
4 |
6 |
PAGER 404 |
Dissertation/Translation Project/Teaching
Practicals + Viva (Dissertation/Ãœbersetzungsprojekt/Lehrprobe
+ Viva) |
- |
6 |
PAGERA 405 |
Advanced German Skills (Tutorials) OR
4 |
PAGERB 405 |
Project on German Literary History (1989 till
present) OR |
- |
PAGERC 405 |
Project on Translation |
- |
20 |
30 |
3.1 |
Eligibility: |
M.A. in German Studies
Students seeking admission to M.A. should have passed
B.A. in German OR Graduation in any faculty +
passed Advanced Diploma in German of the University of
Mumbai or any other Indian University + Entrance Test*
OR Graduation in any faculty + passed
Mittelstufe I or B2.2 offered by Goethe Institute (Max
Mueller Bhavan) + Entrance Test* OR Graduation
in any faculty + equivalent level of competence in
German + Entrance Test*
M.A. (Hons.) in German Studies
Students seeking admission to M. A. (Hons.) should have
passed: B.A. in German / B.A. (Hons.) in German from the
University Department of German, University of Mumbai
OR B.A. in German / B.A. (Hons.) in German from any
other University with minimum 120 credits or an
equivalence of 120 credits of the University of Mumbai.
Further in their Graduation they should have secured
minimum 55% or equivalent grade for open category
students and 50 % or equivalent grade for reserved
category students as per the existing grading system +
equivalent level of competence in German + Entrance
*The entrance test consisting of 2 papers, as under,
shall be conducted:
(i) An essay paper in the subject (ii) A paper to test
the student’s general acquaintance with the subject.
(iii) An interview |
The following fees for M.A. & M.A. (Hons.) in German
Studies shall be applicable for each year. |
3.2 |
Fee Structure: |
xxiii) |
Tuition fees
Application Form fee
Other charges
Library fee
Admission Processing fee
Vice Chancellors fund
Identity Card
Student Welfare
University sports and cultural activity
Development fee
e suvidha
e charges
Disaster relief fund
P.G. Registration fee
P.G. Registration form
Caution money
Railway concession
Document verification
Total fees
Project fee (only for Part II) |
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 1080/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 30/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 150/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 6,005/-
Fees subject to change |
3.3 |
Duration: |
Two Academic Years |
3.4 |
Timings: |
5 days a week |
3.5 |
Exam: |
Continuous Evaluation (40 marks) & Semester End Exam (60
marks). |
3.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
Students should secure minimum 2 Grade points (40%) i.e.
Letter Grade E in each course and complete 75%
attendance. |
4. |
Programme: |
M. Phil. IN GERMAN |
Programme Description & Structure: |
The M.Phil. programme in German lays emphasis on
intercultural German Studies. It includes study and
research of high level texts in the fields of literary
criticism, intercultural hermeneutics and philosophy,
translation and didactics of German as a foreign
language. A dissertation to be submitted and a viva voce
to be held at the end of the programme.
Paper I: Research Methodology
Paper II: Intercultural Studies
Paper III: Advanced Literary Criticism / Didactics of
German as Foreign Language / Theatre Studies / Media
Studies / Translation Studies
Paper IV: Dissertation |
4.1 |
Eligibility: |
Candidates for being eligible for admission to the
degree of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) programme must
have passed the Master’s Degree examination in German of
this University or an examination of any other
University recognized as equivalent thereto, with at
least a II class. In case of approved college teacher in
service, who has passed the Master’s Degree examination
in Pass Class, intending to join the M.Phil. degree
programme to improve their qualifications, the
requirement of having passed the Master’s degree at
least in second class be waived. |
4.2 |
Fee Structure: |
xxiii) |
Tuition fees
P.G. Registration
P.G. Registration Form
Application Form Fee
Caution Money
Library Fee
Students’ welfare
e-charge website
Univ. Sports and Cultural Activities
Other fees
Disaster Relief Fund
Admission Processing fees
V.C. Fund
I.D. Card
Development fee
Ashwamedha fee
Document verification
Project Dissertation fee
Total Fees |
Rs. 3000/-
Rs. 850/-
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 150/-
Rs. 1080/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 30/-
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 9855/-
Fees subject to change |
4.3 |
Duration: |
Three Academic Terms i.e. 1 ½ years. |
4.4 |
Timings: |
Thrice a week |
4.5 |
Exam: |
There shall be a written examination for 3 theory papers
on completion of 2 academic terms. Besides, there will
be continuous evaluation through research paper
presentations in each of the theory papers. A
dissertation is also required to be submitted for the
M.Phil. degree any time after keeping 2 terms but not
later than 7 terms, provided that a candidate who
submits his/her dissertation after 3 terms from the date
of his registration for the programme has compulsorily
passed in all theory papers. |
4.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
Students need to clear the theory papers in order to
submit the dissertation. The degree will be awarded only
after submission and evaluation of the dissertation and
the viva voce. |
5. |
Programme: |
Programme Description & Structure: |
Candidates interested in doing research in various
fields of German Studies are expected to present
themselves before the Head of Department for an
interview after having cleared the Ph.D. Entrance Test
(PET) conducted by the University twice a year.
Candidates who have passed the U.G.C. (NET) or M.Phil.
are exempted from appearing for PET and an entrance
exam. Registration for Ph. D. is open throughout the
year. Ph.D. Course work shall be applicable as per
University policy. |
5.1 |
Eligibility: |
NET/ PET / M.Phil |
5.2 |
Fee Structure: |
xxii) |
Tuition fees
P.G. Registration
P.G. Registration Form
Application Form Fee
Caution Money
Library Fee
Students’ Welfare
e-charge website
Univ. Sports and Cultural Activities
Disaster Relief Fund
Other fees/ Extracurricular fees
Admission Processing fee
V.C. Fund
I.D. Card
Development fee
Computer Internet
Ashwamedha fee
Document verification
Total Fees |
Rs. 6000/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 150/-
Rs. 1080/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 30/-
Rs. 10/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 20/-
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 11,355/- Fees subject to change |
5.3 |
Exam: |
The thesis and the viva voce shall be evaluated |
5.4 |
Procedure: |
After having passed NET/PET/M.Phil. the following
procedure shall be followed for Ph.D. registration:
Form to be filled at the Department of German + Fees Rs.
Attested copies of the following documents to be
attached: Graduation & M.A.
Mark-sheets & passing certificates/grade-cards +
convocation degree + proof of
NET/PET/M.Phil. + one photo.
Appear for interview at the Department of German
Research proposal form + research proposal (15 copies
with index) to be submitted
through the Head, Department of German and then
at the Thesis Section, Fort Campus,
University of Mumbai
After approval letter of research proposal is received
registration form (with attested
copies of documents listed above in ii.) to be
filled at the Department of German &
Ph.D. fees (see 5.2) to be paid at the Allahabad
Registration No. will be sent by Thesis Section, Fort
Campus, University of Mumbai |
6. |
Programme: |
Programme Description: |
This programme shall
emphasize upon basic communicative competence in German
writing, speaking and listening skills shall be
activated. Reading, hearing, understanding and writing
skills shall be developed. Along with the practice of
German language structures, their application in
authentic situations shall also be dealt with.
to CEFR Level A1
6.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. /
I.C.S.E. / C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared
the 10th Standard Examination recognised by
this University. |
6.2 |
Fees: |
fees: Rs. 2,460/- per annum.
Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees
subject to change)
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
6.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year (130 – 140 hrs) |
6.4 |
Timings: |
Batch: Twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday mornings: 8.00
a.m. – 10.00 a.m.)
Batch: 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. OR
2.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. |
6.5 |
Exam: |
Exam: 100 marks Oral Exam: 50 marks
candidates may appear for this exam by paying Rs.
2,000/- and filling up the exam form by 31st
January each year. |
6.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
Minimum of
50% in written exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
7. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The Diploma
consists of two papers.
Paper I
will be dealing with A 2 level of German language
proficiency. Its aim will be to strengthen the
elementary structural knowledge of German, develop
writing and speaking skills and to lead the students to
the use of higher level of German language and
comprehension of everyday situations.
Paper II
will deal with the genre of short stories and German
Culture. The students shall be introduced to German
literary texts and topics like physical features of
German speaking countries, festivals, religions, social
life, sports and leisure, education system. Appropriate
comprehension and structural exercises shall be given to
facilitate the interpretation of German texts. Culture
specific problems of understanding literature shall be
discussed. |
7.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Certificate Programme in
German conducted by this or any other
University/Institution, which is recognised by this
University, OR
Clearing A 1 / the
Grundstufe 1 of Max Mueller Bhavans in India or of any
Goethe Institute worldwide, OR
Clearing the H.S.C. exam
with German as one of the subjects, OR
Learning German in school
for at least two years and having cleared the respective
exam |
7.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 2,660/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
7.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
7.4 |
Timings: |
Sunday Batch: 9.00 a.m. –
1.00 p.m. |
7.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: Paper I
(German Language Structure): 100 marks
Paper II (Communication Skills): 100 marks
Exam: 50 marks
candidates may appear for this exam by paying Rs.
3,000/- and filling up the exam form by 31st
January each year. |
7.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in each
paper of the written exam and 50% in oral exam
separately |
8. |
Programme: |
Description: |
There will be four papers
of 100 marks each.
Paper I: Advanced
Structural Studies in German I
Paper II: Advanced
Structural Studies in German II
Paper III: Advanced
Structural Studies in German III
Paper IV:
German Culture & Literary Texts |
8.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Diploma Programme in
German conducted by this or any other
University/Institution, which is recognised by this
University, OR
Clearing the A 2 /
Grundstufe II of Max Mueller Bhavans in India or of any
Goethe Institute worldwide, OR
Clearing the F.Y or S.Y.
exam with German as one of the subjects, OR
Learning German in school for at least three years and
having cleared the respective exam |
8.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 2,960/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
8.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
8.4 |
Timings: |
Saturdays: 2.30 p.m. –
4.30 p.m. & 4.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Sundays: 9.00 a.m. –
11.00 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. (2 hrs per paper
i.e. total 8 hrs) |
8.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: Paper I:
100 marks Oral Exam: 100 marks
Paper II: 100 marks
Paper III: 100 marks
IV: 100 marks
candidates may appear for this exam by paying Rs.
4,000/- and filling up the exam form by 31st
January each year. |
8.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in each
paper of the written exam and 50% in oral exam
separately shall be required for passing. |
9. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The main aim of this
programme is to introduce the students to elementary
knowledge of the language, its grammar and phonetics and
shall involve diverse grammar exercises for practice.
Along with the practice of German language structures,
their application in authentic situations shall also be
dealt with. This programme shall emphasize upon basic
communicative competence in German: writing, speaking
and listening skills shall be activated, reading,
hearing, understanding and writing skills shall be
developed. |
9.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University. |
9.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 5,000/-
Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to change)
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
9.3 |
Duration: |
16 weeks |
9.4 |
Timings: |
4 times a week, Monday to
Thursday evenings 5.30 p.m. – 7.30
p.m. |
9.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: 100
marks Oral Exam: 50 marks |
9.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately. |
. |
10. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The Diploma
consists of two papers.
Paper I
will be dealing with A 2 level of German language
proficiency. Its aim will be to strengthen the
elementary structural knowledge of German, develop
writing and speaking skills and to lead the students to
the use of higher level of German language and
comprehension of everyday situations.
Paper II
will deal with the genre of short stories and German
Culture. The students shall be introduced to German
literary texts and topics like physical features of
German speaking countries, festivals, religions, social
life, sports and leisure, education system. Appropriate
comprehension and structural exercises shall be given to
facilitate the interpretation of German texts. Culture
specific problems of understanding literature shall be
discussed. |
10.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Certificate Programme in German conducted by this or
any other University/Institution, which is recognised by
this University, OR
Clearing the A 1 /
Grundstufe 1 of Max Mueller Bhavans in India or of any
Goethe Institute worldwide, OR Clearing the H.S.C.
exam with German as one of the subjects, OR
Learning German in school
for at least two years and having cleared the respective
exam. |
10.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 5,000/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
10.3 |
Duration: |
16 weeks |
10.4 |
Timings: |
4 times a week, Monday to
Thursday evenings 5.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
10.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: 100
marks Oral Exam: 50 marks |
10.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
11. |
Programme: |
Description: |
Mumbai being one of the
most important economic, scientific and cosmopolitan
cities of India, there is a significant demand for
translation courses in science, technology, business and
tourism. Thus this programme deals with the theoretical
and practical aspects and techniques in translating
passages from German to English and vice versa. There
will be 3 papers, a viva voce and project work.
Paper I: Science and
Technology + Project
Paper II: Business
German, Communication + Project
Paper III: Travel and
Tourism + Project |
11.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Advanced Diploma in
German form this University or any other University in
India recognised by this University, OR Clearing
B2.1 / Mittelstufe I of Max Mueller Bhavans in India or
of any Goethe Institute worldwide. |
11.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs.6,500/-
+ Registration: Rs. 300/- + Library Fees: Rs. 200/- =
Rs. 7000/- per annum (Fees subject to change)
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
11.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
11.4 |
Timings: |
Sundays 9.00 a.m. – 11.00
a.m., 11.15 a.m. – 1.15 p.m. & 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
(2 hrs per paper i.e.
total 6 hrs) |
11.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: Paper I:
100 marks
Paper II: 100 marks
III: 100 marks |
11.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 45% in each
paper of the written exam and 45% in project separately |
12. |
Programme: |
COURSE IN GERMAN (Course to be conducted outside the
University premises for firms / institutions) |
Description: |
This programme is an
intensive programme offered only to groups of a
particular firm or institution, provided there are
minimum 15 candidates. The main aim of this programme is
to introduce elementary knowledge of the language, its
grammar and phonetics. |
12.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University. |
12.2 |
Fees: |
Rs. 10,000/- (inclusive
of Registration Fee only) |
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
12.3 |
Duration: |
8 weeks |
12.4 |
Timings: |
Saturdays &
Sundays 4 hrs each |
12.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: 100
marks Oral Exam: 50 marks |
12.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
13. |
Programme: |
Description: |
This programme is
structured to introduce basic German vocabulary, phrases
and day to day conversational skills.
13.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University. |
13.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 3,000/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
13.3 |
Duration: |
5 weeks Total
48 hours |
13.4 |
Timings: |
5 times a week, 2 hours
per day |
13.5 |
Exam: |
Oral Exam: 100
marks |
13.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in the
oral exam |
14 |
Programme: |
Programme Description: |
This programme shall
emphasize communicative competence in Marathi listening,
reading, speaking, writing and understanding skills. It
makes the participant competent in understanding and
using familiar, everyday expressions and very simple
sentences, which relate to concrete needs. Proficiency
in script, elementary language structures and basic
communication skills. |
14.1 |
Eligibility: |
Students seeking
admission to this programme should have passed S.S.C. /
I.C.S. E. / C.B.S.E. or or X standard recognized by this
University. |
14.2 |
Fees: |
fees: Rs. 2,460/- per annum.
Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees
subject to change)
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid at the time of admission) |
14.3 |
Duration: |
120 hours (4
credits) |
14.4 |
Timings: |
1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. OR Sunday 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. |
14.5 |
Exam: |
Exam: 100 marks. Oral examination:
continuous evaluation
(25) + orals (25) = 50 marks.
Candidates with equivalent prerequisite competence shall
be permitted to appear for the Certificate in
Communicative Marathi (Level 1) by paying a fees of Rs.
2,000/- |
14.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
A minimum of 50% in
written and 50% in orals separately |
15 |
Programme: |
MARATHI LEVEL 2 (in Marathi)
Programme Description: |
The programme
shall enable the learners to understand and communicate
with sentences and frequently used expressions related
to areas of common immediate relevance, for instance
basic personal, family information, shopping, local
cultural space and employment. Communication skills of
speaking, writing, reading, hearing and understanding
for simple and routine tasks and situations shall be
imparted. The learners shall be able to express
themselves, describe and exchange information on
familiar and routine matters, describe their background,
immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate
need in simple language. |
15.1 |
Eligibility: |
seeking admission to this programme should have passed
Certificate in Communicative Marathi (Level 1) exam. |
15.2 |
Fees: |
fees: Rs. 3,460/- per annum.
Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees
subject to change)
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid at the time of admission) |
15.3 |
Duration: |
120 hours (4
credits) |
15.4 |
Timings: |
1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. OR Sunday 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. |
15.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam:
100 marks: Comprehension, exercises based on language
structure & skills
Oral Exams: 50
marks: continuous evaluation (25) + oral exam (25)
Candidates with equivalent prerequisite competence shall
be permitted to appear for the Certificate in
Communicative Marathi (Level 1) by paying a fees of Rs.
3,000/- |
15.6 |
Standard of Passing: |
A minimum of 50% in
written and 50% in orals separately |
16. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The basic aim of this
programme is to introduce the students to the elementary
knowledge of the language, its grammar, phonetics and
the three different scripts. |
16.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University. |
16.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 1,500/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
16.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
16.4 |
Timings: |
Twice a week, 2 hrs each
or once a week, 4 hrs. |
16.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: 100
marks Oral Exam: 50 marks |
16.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
17. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The Diploma Programme
will be dealing with advanced level grammar. Its aim
will be to strengthen the structural knowledge of
Japanese, develop writing and speaking skills and to
lead the students to the use of higher level of Japanese
language and comprehension of difficult texts. |
17.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Certificate Programme in Japanese conducted by this
or any other University/Institution, which is
recognised by this University or Level 4 of old JLPT /
N5 of new JLPT. |
17.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 1,600/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
17.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
17.4 |
Timings: |
Twice a week, 2 hrs each |
17.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: 100
marks Oral Exam: 50 marks |
17.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
18. |
Programme: |
Description: |
The Advanced Diploma
Programme will further strengthen the structural
knowledge of Japanese, develop writing and speaking
skills and to lead the students to the use of higher
level of Japanese language and comprehension of
difficult texts.
There will be
two papers. |
18.1 |
Eligibility: |
S.S.C. / I.C.S.E. /
C.B.S.E. i.e. Certificate of having cleared the 10th
Standard Examination recognised by this University +
Diploma Programme in Japanese conducted by this or
any other University/Institution, which is recognised by
this University, or Level 3 of old JLPT / N 4 of new
18.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 1,700/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
18.3 |
Duration: |
Two Academic
Years |
18.4 |
Timings: |
3 hours per week. In
consultation with the teacher. |
18.5 |
Exam: |
Written Exam: Paper I:
100 marks Oral Exam: 50 marks
II: 100 marks |
18.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
19. |
Programme: |
Description: |
Writing business emails
and letters, telephone etiquette, preparing for visits,
making presentations. |
19.1 |
Eligibility: |
Students seeking
admission to the Business Japanese Programme should have
passed Level 3 of old JLPT / N 4 new JLPT conducted each
year all over the world by the Japan Foundation
(Government of Japan) OR Diploma Level of
University of Mumbai. |
19.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 1,700/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
19.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
19.4 |
Timings: |
3 hours per week. In
consultation with the teacher. |
19.5 |
Exam: |
There will be two written
papers of 100 marks each and an oral exam of 50 marks.
Paper 1 will test Kanji
(Chinese Characters) and vocabulary.
Paper 2 will test
comprehension skills and writing skills.
19.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
20. |
Programme: |
Description: |
To improve the speaking
skills this programme will seek to enable the learner to
survive in Japan or to communicate fluently.
20.1 |
Eligibility: |
Students seeking
admission to the One Year Programme in Conversational
Japanese should have passed Level 3 of old JLPT / N 4
new JLPT conducted each year all over the world by the
Japan Foundation (Government of Japan), and may be given
admission after they have undergone an entrance test and
have been found suitable. The entrance test consisting
of 2 papers as under shall be administered. (i) An essay
paper in the subject. (ii) A paper to test the student’s
general acquaintance with the subject. (iii) An
interview or Diploma Level of University of Mumbai.
20.2 |
Fees: |
Tuition fees: Rs. 1,700/-
per annum. Registration: Rs. 40/- (Fees subject to
Exam fees: Rs. 360/-
(to be paid in December) |
20.3 |
Duration: |
One Academic
Year |
20.4 |
Timings: |
3 hours per week. In
consultation with the teacher. |
20.5 |
Exam: |
Exam Pattern: There will
be viva of 100 marks consisting of:
Aural Comprehension
25 marks
Dictation 20 marks
Reading 20 marks
Questions based on
reading 20 marks
General Conversation
25 marks
Total 100 marks |
20.6 |
Standard of
Passing: |
Minimum of 50% in written
exam and 50% in oral exam separately |
For students other than Mumbai
Board (Applicable for all full time and part time programmes)
For the attention of those
students who are not graduates of the University of Mumbai or
have not passed
S. S. C. / H. S. C. of Pune
Candidates who are not graduates
of the University of Mumbai or those who have not passed the
S.S.C. / H.S.C. of the Pune Board or any other statutory
examining body must apply for an eligibility certificate from
the Eligibility Section, University of Mumbai, Ambedkar Bhavan,
Kalina Campus, Mumbai-400098. Application for eligibility
certificate must be accompanied by the Original Certificate and
Mark Sheet from the Institution from where the candidate has
The fee for the Eligibility
certificate shall be as under: -
within Maharashtra State Rs.
from outside Maharashtra Rs.
for Foreign nationals Rs.
Fees subject to change
The Registrar may issue a
Provisional Statement of eligibility if he is satisfied that the
applicant is Prima Facie eligible for admission to this
Candidates who join the
programmes on the basis of a provisional statement of
eligibility issued to them by the University during the academic
year shall be required to pay Rs. 220/- (including the
application fee) towards enrolment in the Department.
Candidates will have to produce
the Eligibility Certificate along with their application form at
the time of admission in the Department. For confirmation of
eligibility, candidates will have to produce Original Degree
Certificate, Statement of Marks, Migration Certificate along
with True/Xerox Copies of each of the certificate to the
Department before the end of the first term of the academic