The Department of Arabic Language and Literature is amongst one of the oldest Departments of the University of Mumbai and has been rendering a yeomen service to the Arabic language imparting knowledge to the benefits of students and peers, since June 1993.
Arabic is an international language spoken and understood in more than 23 countries of the world. Further, it is also the language of the holy Quran, the religious book of Muslims all over the world. Arabic, as of today, has expanded by leaps and bounds and has taken many strides in the field of science and technology. The Department wants a learner to make himself aware of these recent trends in modern Arabic and literature.
During these years a number of Ph. D. degrees were awarded in the Arabic language, which has immensely benefited the students desirous of learning, promoting, making a career in this language as well as going abroad to work and or to do more research and higher study.
The Department of Arabic runs every year once-a-week Certificate Course in Arabic language, a Diploma Course in Arabic language and an Advanced Diploma Course in Arabic language. In addition to this, a Post-Graduate full time two years’ Master’s Degree in Arabic language is also being conducted every year. Hence till date a number of students have successfully completed these Degree courses and progressed in their career and lives.
Further, the Department of Arabic, once every year organizes
'Mukhdoom Mahimi Memorial Lecture' by an eminent scholar on any topic related to the current affairs.
In addition to it, the Department every year, organizes a National seminar on a theme concerning Arabic language and literature in which luminaries of Arabic language from different Universities of India participate and present their scholarly papers. These papers, later, are published in the form of a book.
The Department of Arabic conducts the following courses:
i. Ph.D. Degree in Arabic
ii. M.A. Part I & II in Arabic
iii. Certificate Course in Arabic
iv. Certificate Course in Islamic studies
v. Diploma Course in Arabic
vi. Diploma Course in Islamic studies
vii. Advanced Diploma Course in Arabic
For more information, please contact :
Prof. (Dr.) Mohamed Shahid,
I/C Head, Department of Arabic,
Kalina, Vidyanagari, Santa Cruz East,
Mumbai 400 098
Tel (Office): 26543313 / 26543452