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Arts > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Arabic

Faculty Members

1. Prof. (Dr.) Shafi M. Shaikh (Head of the Department)

Residence No. 022 2679 7891 - Cell. No. 9869624786

2. Mr. Shafeeq A. Shaikh (Lecturer)

Residence No. 5608 1857 - Cell No.98235 89500

CV of Faculty Members

Prof. (Dr.) Shafi M. Shaikh

Prof. & Head, Department of Arabic, University of Mumbai.

Address (Office)

Ranade Bhavan, B Wing, Vidyanagari Campus? Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098.

Tel. No. 2652 6091 Extn. 312 (Direct) 2652 6091 Extn. 452 (Office)

Address (Residence)

705, Farhat Apartments, Bandivali Hill Road, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai 400102.

Tel. 2679 7891 Cell. 98696 24786/ 98201 94964

Nationality Indian

Educational Qualifications

B.A. (University of Mumbai, Year 1968, 76%)

M.A.(University of Mumbai, Year 1970, 73%)

Ph.D. (University of Mumbai, Year 1984)

Teaching experience

Thirty Five Years

International Conferences/ Seminars/Symposia

Sixteen papers since 1984 -2005 attended and Papers in different national and international

Presented conferences and symposia, including USA, Muscat and Iraq.

Invitations from Foreign Universities: University of Mustansariyyah - 1981

University of Michigan - 1989

Cornell University, U.S.A. - 1989

New York University - 1989

Georgetown University ? U.S.A. 1989

University of Texas - 1989

University of Tehran - 1998

Awards Received as a Teacher

University of Mumbai Appreciation Award for over all best performance during the Year 1998-99.

University of Mumbai Appreciation Award for over all best performance during the year 1999-2000.

Presidential Award President of India Award for Excellence in Arabic Studies  2001.

Publications Fifteen publications in Arabic & Urdu

Position at Mumbai University

1.Chairman: Board of Studies in Arabic,

Persian, Islamic Studies, Hebrew and Avesta-Pahlavi (1989 to date)

2.Member, Faculty of Arts (1986 to date)

3.Member, Academic Council (1989 to date)

4.Member, Senate: Nominated by the VC (1994 to 1999).

5.Member, Senate: Re-nominated by the VC (1999 to date)

6. Member, Management Council (1995)

7. Member of Standing Committee (2000 to date)

Mr. Shafeeq A. Shaikh

Address (Office)

Ranade Bhavan ?B? Wing, Vidyanagari, Campus, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098

Tel. 2650 7956 Extn. 507 (Personal) 2650 6091 Extn. 452 (Office)

Address (Residence)

D/2 Academic Staff Quarters, Vidyanagari, Campus, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098.

Tel. 5608 1857 Cell. 93235 89500



Educational Qualifications

M.A (Arabic), M.A.(Sociology), B.Ed.,

Teaching Experience

Twenty Eight years. Teaching in the University since 1991.


Attended All the national seminars organized by the Department of Arabic.

Papers Presented

1. The Contribution of Marathi to Arabic Language and Literature? in the seminar organized by the Department on Contri-of India to Arabic Language and Literature

2. Translated into English and read the Key-note address of Prof. Nisar Ahmed Farooqi in the ational seminar on Al-Biruni  Life & Achievements.

Lectures Delivered

1. The Importance of Arabic Language in Modern World?, organized by Lions Club, Appolo Bunder, Mumbai.

2. Why Should We Learn Arabic a lecture delievered at MESCO, Mumbai.

3. Why Arabic is Important to Muslims a Lecture delivered to the students of Girls High School at Khed, Ratnagiri.

Other Services

Delivered lectures and participated in the Arabic Promotion Programme of institutions

like Islamic Research Foundation, Mumbai,

Study Circle of Foreign Languages,

Mumbai, Sterling Institute, Mumbai.

Member of the Local Committee of A.D.

Bawla Female Orphanage, Mumbai. Etc


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