Tentative Programme Schedule of the Academic Year 2015
Admission Procedure for the year 2015-16
Intake Capacity of various Music Courses from the academic year 2015-16
Advanced Certificate Course in Sound Recording And Reproduction
The University of Mumbai is
one of the oldest and first Universities founded in India in 1857
which has distinguished history of exemplary achievements in various
streams of education and training and has significantly contributed
towards the nation building and continues to do so.
The history of the education of performing
arts of Music and Dance in Universities in India is not very old.
Great musicians, musicologists, reformers who pioneered the modern
trends in music performance and education from 19th century were
Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar and Pandit Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande.
Both these stalwarts research and restructured music education
on modern scientific lines and established leading music institutions
to impart training on these lines.
Independence in 1947 brought renewed awareness
of our cultural traditions and subjects of Indian Culture began
getting included for study at various stages of excellence in
the University curricula. The study of music - its education and
performance started in the University of Bombay in1969. The Music
Centre was established in this year and a two year Diploma Course
in Hindustani Vocal Classical Music was started. From the very
beginning the effort and the emphasis of the course taught here
has been on the performing excellence. With this objective in
view the leading performers of different schools or traditions
in vocal music called "Gharanas" have been invited on
the faculty of the Music Centre to impart training and performance
skills to aspiring and promising students of music. The teaching
methods and pattern here are based on the age-old and time tested
"Guru Shishya Parampara".
In 1978, the Music Centre in the University
of Bombay was converted into the regular Department of Music and
a three-year Degree Course in vocal music - Bachelor of Fine Arts
(Music Vocal) was added to existing two year Diploma Course in
Music H.V.C. In 1985, two year Diploma Course in Music Hindustani
Instrumental Classical - Sitar and Hindustani Vocal Light were
started. In 1988 two-year Diploma Course in Music Hindustani Instrumental
Classical - Tabla and in 1989 two-year Post-graduate Course in
Vocal Music - Master of Fine Arts (Music Vocal) were started in
the Department of Music. Three Year Degree Courses (B.F.A.) in
Hindustani Instrumental Classical - Sitar and Tabla were started
in 1991.
The Faculty in the Department of Music consists of Reader and
Lecturer in Vocal Music, posts of Honorary Music Instructors on
which leading and renowned performers belonging to various traditions
have been appointed. Apart from this regular staff on Faculty,
many renowned scholars, experts, music performers are invited
as Visiting Lecturers to give lecturers, demonstrations and exhibit
performance excellence and teach theory syllabus to the students
of the Department.
The interdisciplinary studies like Music and Psychology, Sociology,
Philosophy and Religion along with the study of music Aesthetics,
Music and Education, Research Methodology have been introduced
at the M.Mus. level. The aim is to broaden the perspective of
the students towards the study of music in relation to other related
subjects. It must be noted here that all along these courses the
central focus of all attention and related studies is on developing
the ability for the good performance of music. The collective
endeavour of all theory and practical study topics is to enrich
the thinking, understanding and physical mechanism towards better
performance of music.
The objective of the music training and education imparted in
the department of Music is to make the student all-round musician
and performer, aware of the various concepts and issues involved,
capable of the study of related subjects which develop the sunlight
in music and all contributing to making a good, intelligent and
impressive musician.
Location :- The Department of Music
is located on the first floor of the building 'Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi
Bhavan' on 'B' Road, between Churchgate Railway Station (W.R.)
on the East & beautiful Marine Drive on the West in South
Address for correspondence - The Department of Music, University
of Mumbai, Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan,'B' Road, Churchgate, Mumbai
-400 020
Telephone No. (022) 22048665
Fax : (+ 91-22) 22042859
Phone No. of the studio - (022)22818995
Working Hours :- The office of
the Department of Music is open all working days, working Saturdays
& during vacations from 10:20 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.The Academic
Calendar of the Department of Music is as follows.
First Term :- June to Middle of October.
Second Term :- Middle November to 30th April.
Winter Break :- 25th December to 1st January.
Besides, Sundays & specified Government holidays are holidays
in the Department.
Practical classes for all the courses in the Department are held
in clock hourly batches from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. from Monday
to Friday. Theory classes are held on Saturdays.