University Of Mumbai
Examination Section,
M. J. Phule Bhavan,
Vidyangari, Kalina,
Santacruz (East),
Mumbai – 400 098.
of 2009.
Ref :
Circular No.Exam./Result/491 of 2007, dated 8th June,2007.
The Directors/ Heads of the
University Departments, Principals/Deans of the affiliated colleges,
Heads of the recognized Institutes, Professor-cum-Director, Institute of
Distance Education and The Assistant Registrar, University Sub Centre at
Ratnagiri are hereby informed that the University has received many
requests from the students and Principals of various colleges to accept
the Examinations Forms of the students, for admission to various
examinations to be held in the First Half of the year 2009 after the
last date i.e. 31st December,2008 with late fee of Rs.
500/- is over.
The request made by the
students and the Principals of the colleges to accept the examinations
forms was placed before the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor for consideration.
The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has considered the said request and
permitted to accept the examinations forms for admission to various
examinations scheduled to be held in the First Half of 2009 (excluding
Engineering and M.C.A.) as per the decision of Management Council at its
meeting held on 29th January 2008 (vide Item No. 14)
which was circulated last year vide Circular No. Exams /Sc 28 of
2008. Dated 29th January 2008, upto 13th
February, 2009 with late fees of Rs. 2000/- (per examination
form) to avoid loss of academic year of such students who could not
fill up the examinations forms for the examinations to be held in the
First Half of the year 2009.
They are, therefore,
requested to submit all the Examinations Forms for admission to various
examinations of such students who could not fill up the Examinations
Forms within time given for the same to the Controller of Examinations
upto 13th February, 2009 with late fees of Rs.2000/- (per
examination form ) except Engineering and M.C.A. examinations.
The repeater student who
wish to reappear at the First Half of 2009 Examinations but their
results of Second Half of 2008 were not declared before 31st
December 2008 and those who may have not submitted the examinations
forms within 15 days from the date of declaration of results are
hereby informed, that they may submit the Examinations Forms for
admission to the examination to be held in First Half of 2009 through
their respective colleges to the Controller of Examinations within 07
days from the last date (i.e. after 15 days from the date of declaration
of the result ) for the admission to the various examinations with late
fees of Rs. 100/- (per examination form) except (Engineering. &
MCA. Examinations) for the examination to be held in First Half of the
year 2009 and thereafter the forms will be accepted with late fees of Rs.
2,000/- (per examination form) up to 13th February, 2009.
are further requested to send a separate (Examinations-wise) additional
list of the students to the Controller of Examinations with covering
letter of the college with their bonafide office staff only. They are
also further requested to not to send the student to the Examinations
Department for work relating to acceptance of examinations forms.
No inquiry will be
entertained for acceptance of forms for any examinations after the
expiry of the above mentioned date.
They are further
requested to bring the contents of this circular to the notice of all
concerned & display it on the Notice Board of the
Mumbai - 400
098, (Prof.
Vilas B. Shinde)
29th January, 2009.
Controller of