Principals of the affiliated colleges/ Directors of
the recognized Institutions/ Heads of the University Departments are hereby
informed by the direction of the Vice-Chacellor that from the academic year
2008-09 the Eligibility forms will be distributed by the Colleges /Institutes/Departments
and the same will be submitted in the Colleges/ Institutions/ Departments.
The students will submit the Eligibility forms along with necessary documents
and Eligibility fees. (Rs.220/-, Rs.320/- and Rs.750/- as the case may be).
Necessary instructions/guidelines in this regard are enclosed herewith
for guidance and information of the Colleges/ Institutions and Departments.
The colleges/ Institutions will be paid Rs.20/- as service charge for submission
of each form.
The colleges/Institutions are requested to deduct Rs.20/- per form at the
time of submission of forms to the University and send remaining fees of Rs.200/-,
Rs.300/- and Rs.730/- per student to the Eligibility Section, University of
Mumbai. A consolidated Demand Draft in Favour of the Finance & Accounts
Officer, University of Mumbai should be sent alongwith forwarding letter Format
“A”, Eligibility forms and CD.
They are requested to send their representative to collect the eligibility
forms from the Eligibility Section, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Vidyanagari,
Santacruz (E), Mumbai, as per their requirements and start distribution and
submission of the Eligibility forms.
After acceptance of the Eligibility Forms from the students, the Excel Workbook
may also be sent alongwith the forms on a CD as per the enclosed formats with
separate worksheet for students paying Rs. 200/-, Rs.300/- and Rs.730/- to
the Eligibility Section, University of Mumbai Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan,
Vidyanagari, Kalina, Mumbai.
In case of any clarification, please contact Assistant Registrar or Deputy
Registrar, Eligibility & Migration Section on the following Telephone
(Deputy Registrar No: 26540013)
(Assistant Registrar No. 26526040)

: 22nd May, 2008
1. Important
Instructions for students
Instructions for Colleges
3. Sets of Eligibility Forms
for submission of Eligibility forms.