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No.EAU/Senate/  41    of 2011.

        Members of the Senate are hereby informed that the Annual Meeting of the Senate will be held in the Sir Cowasjee Jehangir Hall (Convocation Hall) of the University on Friday, 18th March, 2011, at 11.00 a.m.  The meeting will be continued, if necessary, on Saturday, 19th March, 2011, at 11.00 a.m.

                Attention of the members of the Senate is invited to Clause (a) of Statute 224 of the Statutes relating to the rules of procedure and conduct of business at meeting of the Senate and they are hereby informed that all questions to be asked at the Annual Meeting of the Senate must be in the form of request for factual information and must be addressed to the Vice-Chancellor and submitted in writing to the Registrar, at least 30 clear days before the day fixed for the meeting of the Senate.  Accordingly, the questions to be asked at the ensuing Annual Meeting of the Senate must be submitted to the University not later than 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday,   15th February, 2011.

A copy of Statutes 222 to 230 relating to the 'Question Hour' at the Annual Meeting of the Senate is sent herewith for information of the members.

Mumbai 400 032,                                                                          (Principal M.S. Kurhade)
03rd February,2011                                                                           I/C REGISTRAR


  Uploaded on 07/02/2011  



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