Department Library
Room No. 253, II Floor, Ranade bhavan, Kalina Campus,
Mumbai 400 098
The Library of the Department of Mathematics
has more than eight thousand books on various branches of
Pure Mathematics. It currently subscribes to more than twenty
international journals on Pure Mathematics. This library
is generously funded by the National Board of Higher Mathematics-a
unit of the Department of Atomic Energy.
List of journals under subscription by the
Department Library - 2012:
Annals of Mathematics
American Journal of Mathematics
ARS Combinatoria
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Communication in Algebra
Differential Geometry & its Applications
Discrete Mathematics
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
International Journal of Number Theory
Journal of Algebra
Journal of Combinatorial Design (Recd. Alongwith Journal
of Graph theory)
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial
Journal of Combinatorial theory A
Journal of Combinatorial theory B
Journal of Differential Geometry
Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of Graph Theory
Journal of the American Mathematical society
Mathematical Intelligencer
Mathematical Magazine
Notices of the American Mathematical Society
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Transactions of American Mathematical society
The list of mathematical magazines under subscription
by the Department Library:
- The Mathematical Intelligencer
- Mathematics Magazine
- The Mathematics Gazette