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   Institute of Distance & Open Learning (IDOL)
Amenities & Services > Audio-Video Centre


While the print material is by and large complete in itself, some concepts and their applications have been explained through the audio and video programmes as well, to facilitate better comprehension and understanding. The Audio-Video programmes will be of great benefit to you as supplement to the print material. The A. V. centre has more than 100 video cassettes in the subjects of Commerce and Economics which are syllabus oriented / curriculum based. Other audio-video cassettes are more enrichment oriented and attempt to upgrade and update the quality of education. Audio Video Cassettes will not be supplied to you individually, but will be made available for listening and viewing at the A.V. Centre of the Institute. A Catalogue of the cassettes is available in the Centre, located at Room No. 205, in the I.D.E building at Vidyanagari.

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