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UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI (All Programmes Approved by Distance Education Council, New Delhi vide letter no.F.No. DEC /Univ / State/07/5620,dated 3-9-07) The introduction of Correspondence Courses in the Mumbai University, in the year 1971-72,Was primarily for the benefit of students who. Would have otherwise been deprived of the access to higher education. The Annual Report of the University for the year 1970-71, submitted by the Syndicate to the Senate, states as follows."Correspondence Courses The Syndicate at their meeting held on 26th September, 1970, considered proposal made by Shri A. N. Namjoshi, a member of the Syndicate, that the possibility of introducing Correspondence Courses and External Degree Courses in the University for the benefit of a large number of Students who cannot avail themselves of the facilities of Morning/Evening classes, be explored. The suggestion was referred by the Syndicate to the Academic Council and the Council appointed a committee to consider it. The Academic Council, at its meeting held on 24th March, 1971, approved the report of its Committee and recommended to the Syndicate, inter alia, as under: 1. that Correspondence Courses in the Faculties of Arts and Commerce, with English as the medium of correspondence, instruction and examination, be started from June, 1971 for the First Year Arts and Commerce examinations and progressively thereafter up to the graduate level; 2. that enrolment be restricted to persons residing within the University area viz. Greater Bombay; 3.that eligibility requirements, the curricular content, the mode of examination and the Degree to be awarded be the same as for the regular day student of the University; The recommendation has been accepted by the Syndicate" The Correspondence Courses were, then introduced in the University with a nomenclature as "The Directorate of Correspondence Courses" for which correspondence instructions were to be given at the First Year Arts and First Year Commerce Examination to be held in the first half of the year 1972. Initially, it started with the meager registration of 845 students which has grown up to a staggering figure of about 69,792 students in the year 2008– 2009 Principal A. N. Kothare was the first Hon. Director of the Directorate. Through his devotion and dedication, he nurtured and nourished the infant institution to lay down a strong formation. We record our deep sense of gratitude for the devotion of the founder Director in giving shape and direction to the Correspondence Courses of the University.
Directorate of Correspondence Courses was up-graded as
'Directorate of Distance Education', in the year 1985. Dr.
Kishore Valecha was the first full-time Director appointed
by the University.With the up-gradation, the jurisdiction of
Directorate was extended to cover the entire country.
Earlier, the enrolment was restricted to persons residing
within the University area. With the extended jurisdiction,
enrollment showed a rising trend. Dr. Valecha endeavored to
bring about improvement and reforms in accordance with the
recommendations of the U.G.C. He did achieve a measurable
success. It is hereby notified that, consequent upon assent accorded by the Chancellor to the Statute 504, A to G. The Directorate of Distance Education has been hereby designated as the Institute of Distance Education with immediate effect. With this notification, the institute acquired an independent status and it was no more a part of Registrar's office. The pioneering work for granting an independent status to the institute was undertaken during the tenure of Dr. (Ms.) M. D. Bangalee then Vice-Chancellor of the University. She was assisted in the job by Prin. G. L. Abhyankar and Shri. M. N. Kane. Courses and Enrolment The Courses for Correspondence Study and examinations at B.A./B. Com. level were introduced from 1971-72. Subsequently, after gaining Confidence and to help the 'Correspondence' students to further persue their studies, post-graduate Courses viz M.A./M.Com./M.Sc. (Maths)/D.F.M. & D.O.R.M. were introduced from the year 1975-76. Thereafter, considering the need of teachers by the colleges of education, post-graduate course viz. M. Ed. was started from the year 1990-91. The IDE has now entered in the arena of IT & Nautical Technology Courses by the distance mode.We have introduced five IT courses (B.Sc.IT/Computer Science,M.Sc.IT/Computer Science & MCA ) & B.Sc.Nautical Technology course from the academic year 2005-2006 The IDE has started the MA (Education ) course from 2006 – 2007. The Institute is now renamed as Institute of Distance & Open Learning with effect from 13th February 2009. With this the Institute will be more Open and flexible in its approach. We also intend to start courses in the field of MMS, Bachelor of Preparatory Programme (BPP),LLM, B.Ed in due Course of time for the benefit of the students. DIRECTOR’S NAME
The trend of enrolment
Students Enrollment in IDE of last five years.
SYSTEM OF EXAMINATION Examinations are held each year for all courses. Learners who join in June-August are allowed to appear for the Examination in March/April of the following calendar year. Examinations are conducted at various centers in Greater Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts only. The Examinations are conducted by Examination unit of I.D.E. for F.Y. & S.Y.B.A./B.Com. Courses and Examination Section of the University for T.Y.B.A./B.Com., M.A., M.Sc.(Maths), M.Com., P.G.D.F.M. & P.G.D.O.R.M. in the month of March-April/May. Supplementary Examinations are also conducted for Ex-students of our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses except PGDFM & PGDORM Courses during the month of October/November.
SPECIAL FEATURES 1) UGC – NAAC has awarded 5 STAR rating to the University of Mumbai. Amongst the 500 Universities in the World. University with Potential for Excellence. 2) Curricular content, mode of examination and the degree to be awarded are the same as applicable to the colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai. 3) Printed study materials are available in 240 subjects in English (also in Marathi in selected subjects only) 4) INTERNET & IVRS: - The information about admission, date of submission of exam form, exam time table, dates, centers, exam results and guidance lectures is released on Internet Website http//www.mu.ac.in 5) Audio-Visual Centre located at Vidyanagari provides for listening and viewing of Curriculum based Audio-Video cassettes. 6) Around every year 700 students have gone abroad for seeking higher Education. 7) All three toppers (First, Second and Third) of M.Com. Exam. of April, 2003, April 2005 & also two toppers (First & third) of M.Com. Exam. in April, 2004 were from IDE 8) Library : Independent one Library & two Reading Room facility for the IDE students with home lending facility. 36 thousandoks are available 9) Personal Contact Programmes (P.C.P.) : Guidance lectures are conducted every year at about 60 centers in Mumbai and around. 10) Virtual Learning Studio
B.A.(F.Y.,S.Y.& T.Y.): 3 Year's Degree Course with Study
(F.Y., S.Y.& T.Y.): 3 Year’s Degree Course with Study
3. B.Sc. (Information Technology) Three Years (Six Semester) Degree Course 4. B.Sc. (Computer Science) Three Years Degree Course 5. B.Sc.(Nautical Technology) Three Years Degree Course
6. M.A.
Two Years Post -Graduate Degree Course 7. M.A. (Education) Two Years Post -Graduate Degree Course
8. M.Com.
Two Years Post -Graduate Degree Course(With Study Material) 9. M.A/M.Sc.(Maths): 2 year’s Post-Graduate Degree Course(Without Study Material) 10. M.Sc. (Information Technology) Two Years 11. M.Sc. (Computer Science) Two Years 12. M.C.A. (Master of Computer Application) Three Years (Six Semester) 12. Post Graduate Diploma Courses in Management 2years (With Study Material) (i) Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (P.G.D.F.M.) (ii)Post Graduate Diploma in Operations Research for Management (P.G.D.O.R.M.)
* Diploma in Engg. Pass Students are eligible for S.Y. B.Sc. IT Course. * * Diploma in Nautical Technology from only BITS Pilani Pass Students are eligible for T.Y.B.Sc. Nautical Technology Course. * * * Admission through Entrance Test. Entrance Test will be held on Every Year Month of May/June Final Year Degree Students will be allowed to appear the Entrance Test. IDE AT A GLANCE
1. Enrollment (2008-2009
) :- 69,792