Admission >
Cancellation of Admission / Refund of Fees
If you wish to cancel your admission, you should
apply in the prescribed form within thirty days from the date of admission
and your fees will be refunded as per following ordinances.
0.2859(C) : All the fees paid by a student at the time of admission
shall be refunded to him/her after deducting Rs.30/- (Rupees Thirty
only) as administrative charges, if the student informs the Professor-cum-Director,
Institute of Distance Education, in writing within 30 days from the
date of his/her admission, provided he/she has not been issued study
0.2859(D) : All the fees paid by a student at the time of admission
shall be refundable to him/her after deduction of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two
Hundred Fifty only) as administrative charges, provided that, study
material has not been issued to him/her and provided further that -
i) At the time of applying for admission, he/she intimates in writing
that he/she has also applied or intends to apply for admission to one
or more of the professional courses conducted by the institutions or
departments (including the Institute of Distance Education) of the University
or affiliated Colleges to the University.
ii) He/she withdraws his/her application within seven days from the
date of his admission to a professional course as mentioned in (i) above,
but not later than 30th September, if he/she is a Post-graduate/management
student of the same year. In such cases, it shall be binding on the
student to produce documentary proof of his/her being admitted to the
professional course. Students admitted after above mentioned dates,
if any, will not be entitled for the refund of the fees.
Refund of Fees
The Rules presently in force relating to refund
of examination fees are as follows
1. Where a candidate Expire in the period of the examination, the entire
fee shall be refunded.
2. Where a candidate is taken ill subsequent to the submission of his
/her application for admission to the examination and is prevented on
medical grounds from appearing at the examination, 50% of the fees shall
be refunded to him /her provided an application of such refund, supported
by a medical certificate, is submitted to the Professor-cum-Director
of the Institute, before three days from the date of commencement of
the examination.
(Note : By the expression "date of commencement of the examination"
is meant the date on which the first paper at the examination is set
and not the date on which the candidate has to appear for his/her first
paper. It is necessary that the application for refund should invariably
be submitted through the Professor-cum-Director of the Institute. The
amount, where refund is granted will be disbursed to the student concerned
through the Finance& Accounts section I.D.E.)