Result of Avishkar
Avishkar Final Round Time table
Revised schedule of Engineering & Technology Category for Avishkar 2014 Selection Round.
Avishkar reschedule of time table
Avishkar district level covering letter
Registration form avishkar
Time table for conducting District level competitions in C1, C2, C3 and C4 categories
Avishkar Competitions
Revised 47th Youth Fest time table 2014-15
Mumbai University Level Avishkar Research Championship 2013-14
Avishkar Workshops (2014-15) Schedule - 16.06.14
Inter-Collegiate Research Convention "Avishkar 2014-15."
Avishkar Workshop schedule
Avishkar 2013-14 _Category wise championship at Mumbai University Level
Avishkar Collegewise University Championship Results-2013-14
Inter-Collegiate Research Convention "Avishkar 2013-14."
Avishkar Workshop Programme
Avishkar time table
Coding list of avishkar final round
Result of Avishkar Mumbai & Thane Region
Schedule of AVISHKAR
Inter-Collegiate Research Convention "Avishkar 2012-13."
Avishkar 2012-13
Avishkar workshop & schedule
Avishkar - A Research Convention.
Winners of Inter university State level Avishkar held at RSTM University, Kolhapur
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