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Arts > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of urdu


             The Department of Urdu was established in 1982 and is one of the Major languages Department of the University of Mumbai. Since its inception the Department has played an important role in establishing relevant specialization such as inter-disciplinary courses like  Arabic ,Persian and Marathi etc. The academic curriculum of advance courses is supplemented by numerous seminars on comparative literature , inter-cultural hermeneutics, linguistics, translation ,philosophy and aesthetics etc.

Aims & Objectives

 To motivate and prepare  students for Post-Graduate Studies.  To impart quality education at all levels of teaching i.e. language, literature, culture-studies and research. Our M.A. and M. Phil programmes are research oriented. A comprehensive syllabus, which we follow, has an inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural character which makes the students competent to pursue research in the field of inter-cultural studies which is a requirement in this era of globalization. Beside post-graduate studies in literature we offer part-time courses in language, which aim at teaching Urdu as a second language.

To generate interest in Urdu language & literature at higher levels of learning through the following activities :

1. Conducting post-graduate teaching effectively.

2. Supervising research at the levels of M. Phil. & Ph. D. Identifying new areas of research & Conducting independent research through various research projects.

3. Organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, symposia, Mushaira & Musical Programmes .

4. Publishing research monographs, bibliographies & scholarly books.

5. Conducting visiting lectures for students by eminent Urdu scholars.   

Help Desk

Dr. Saheb Ali, Department of Urdu , University of Mumbai, First Floor, Ranade  Bhavan,

                       Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400 098.

                      Tel. : 26526091, 26526388 (Ext. Head - 3343, Office - 3341) , +9122- 26523389

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