Research Summary : 1999-2000 to 2007-2008
- Vandana Ramwani Research done at Ph.D.
- Jagdish Lachhani Research done at Ph.D.
- Purnima Belani Research done at Ph.D.
- Bhojraj Lakhwani Research done at Ph.D.
Research Projects : - Vandana Ramwani
has successfully completed her research on 'Sami Hik Vedanti
Shair' (Sami - A Vedantic Poet) in August, 2000, for the
degree of Ph.D.
- Jagdish Lachhani has successfully completed his research
on 'Bharat Je Sindhi Shair Mein Virhange Ji Tasveer' (Portrayal
of Partition in Indian Sindhi Poetry) in June, 2001, for
the degree of Ph.D.
- Purnima Belani has successfully completed her research
on 'Sindhi Lafzan Jo Tarikhi Abhyas' (Historical Study of
Sindhi Vocabulary' in August, 2002, for the degree of Ph.D.
- BhojrajLakhwani
Working Papers/Research : - Presently
Ram Jawhrani is doing his Ph.D. research Papers
(recent)on 'Ram Panjwani - Shakhs ain Kalakar' (Ram Panjwani
- A Person and Artist)