> Languages,
Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Sanskrit
Completed Projects:
Under U.G.C Research Associate Award.
'Impact of the Yogavasistha on religious cults in India in general and in Maharashtra in particular' (University of Mumbai, 1983.) Completed by R. G. Bhadarkar Professor Dr. Uma Vaidya
A Minor Research Project entitled,
"A Study of Values reflected in the Puranic Stories" carried out by Ex. R. G. Bhandarkar Professor Dr. Alka during 1994-96 for which Springer Research Post Doctoral Scholarship was awarded by the University of Mumbai.
A Major Research Project entitled,
"An In-depth study of Values reflected in Sanskrit Religious Works" was carried out by Ex. R. G. Bhandarkar Professor during Jan. 1998 to Jan. 2001 for which the University Grants Commission had sanctioned financial assistance.
Post-Doctoral Project under-U.G.C.
Minor Research Project Grant 'Commentry literature in ancient India, with special reference to Sayana, Samkaracarya and Patanjali.(Wilson College, Mumbai.),in April 1999-2011,Completed by R. G. Bhadarkar Professor Dr. Uma Vaidya
Post-Doctoral Project under
Asiatic Research Fellowship in the year 2006-07 Sanskrit, Pali and Ardhamagadhi sentence- construction, a comparative study, Completed by R. G. Bhadarkar Professor Dr. Uma Vaidya
Major Research Project on
'Environmental thought in Sanskrit Literature', July 2006-Dec 2009 Completed by R. G. Bhadarkar Professor Dr. Uma Vaidya
A project entitled
'Caitya : A Mode of Subaltern Worship (through Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit
Sources)' completed by Dr. Madhavi Narsalay during 2006-2007
Ongoing Projects:
Exploring Theological Discourse on Peaceful Co-existence through Text analysis
This project is in collaboration with the Department of philosophy and Department of Arabic.
Principal Investigator and Co-ordinator-Dr. Madhavi Narsalay
Project Fellow- Miss. Mrunalini Newalkar
Digital Preservation of Palm Leaf Manuscripts
Co-ordinator- Dr. Gauri Mahulikar Project Fellows: Dr. Sujata Kanitkar and Mrs. Vandana Lele
Sanskrit Thesaurus on Mobile – Sanskrit-Shabda-Lahari
Co-ordinator-Dr. Uma C. Vaidya Technical Director- Mr. Sunil Khandbahale
This project is in association with Khandbahale.com
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