The following list gives the information on the Faculty
of the Dept. Besides regular members of Faculty, it invites
teachers from local colleges.
1) Dr. G.N. Upadhya, (Joined in September 1994
as a Senior Lecturer & Head as a Lecturer)
M.A., M.Phil & Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer & Head,
Univ. Dept. of Kannada,
Tel : (Office) 26526091 Extn. 530 (Res) 67969873
2)Prof. T Vasanthakumar, (Joined in September, 1986
as a M.A., Ph.D, Reader, Ag. Head from February, Professor &,
1989 and selected for the post of Univ. Dept. of Kannada Professor
and Head of the Deptt. in May, 1990).
Tel . : (Office) 26526091/26526388 Extns. 345
3) Dr. S.K. Shetty,
M.A., Ph.D.
Reader & Head,(Rtd), Visiting Faculty,
University of Mumbai
MUMBAI - 400098
Tel : (Res) 25653590
4) Dr. K. Raghunath,
M.A., Ph.D.
Reader & Head,
Department of Kannada,
R. J. College, Ghatkopar (West),
MUMBAI - 400 086.
Tel : (Office) 25152731
(Res) 9251-352330
5) Dr. G.V. Kulkarni, M.A., Ph.D (English & Kannada)
(Rtd Professor of Kannada)
Visiting Lecturer,
Department of Kannada,
University of Mumbai,
MUMBAI – 400 098