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Arts > Languages, Linguistics, Literaure > Department of Gujarati

Annual Report of Last Academic year

Annual Report of Last Academic Year : YEAR 2004-2005.

(Period : 1st April, 2004 to 31st March, 2005.)

1.      Name of the University Department    :  DEPARTMENT OF                                                                                               GUJARATI
            & Year of Establishment                                     1st September, 1970.
 2.         Name  of the Head of the Department           :   Dr. Ratilal I Rohit,
            alongwith her Academic Qualifications              M.A., Ph.D.  (Gujarati)
 3.        Teaching & Research Staff as on                    :  Two Lecturer  (Full-Time) 
            31st March, 2005.                                             
                                                  Sanctioned Staff                   Staff in Possition
                                                 Full - Time       Part-Time           Full-Time     Part-Time
i)         Professor                                 -                 -                           -                    -
ii)        Reader                                    01               -                         Vacant             -
iii)       Lecturer                                  02               -                          02                  -
iv)       Research Associate                   -                 -                         -                     -
v)        Others                                     -                 -                         -                     -
4.         Number of teachers belonging to
            SC,ST,DT  & NT as on 31st March, 2005      :
                                                Scheduled Castes        Scheduled Tribes        Donotified
                                                Male    Female            Male    Female        Male  Female
1.         Professor                       -             -                     -             -                   -            
2.         Reader                           -            -                     -             -                   -         

3.         Lecturer                         01          -                    -             -                    -            
4.         Research Associate         -            -                     -             -                    -          

5.  Others                 -         -       -     -           -           _____________________________________________________________________
5.         Students Enrolment  (Please give        :
            the Number of students who were
            enrolled furing the academic year 2004-2005.
            Courses                                   No. of Male     No. of Female             Total
            ----------                                  --------------    ----------------         ------ 
a)         M.A. Part-I                                          02                    10                    12
b)         M.A. Part-II                                         01                    05                    06
c)         M.Sc. Part-I                                         -                       -                       -
d)         M.Sc. Part-II                                       -                       -                       -
e)         Master,s Degree                                  -                       -                       -
            (By Research)
f)         M.Phill.                                               -                       -                       -
g)         Ph.D.                                                   01                    03                   04
h)         Others                                                  -                       -                     -
                                                            __________      ___________            _______
                                                Total                04                    18                    22
                                l                       =========      ===========          ======
 6.         Number of students belonging to         :
            SC, ST, DT &  NT    (Please give the
            number of Students belonging to
            backward Classes during the
            Academic year 2002-2003.
                                                                 Male                Female            Total
-----                 --------             ------                --------
Scheduled Castes                        -                       -                     -
Schedules Tribes                         01                    -                   01
Denotified Tribes &                    -                        -                  -
                        Nomadic Tribes
7.         No. of students qualified for                Master,s Degree          M.Phill            Ph.D.
            (Please mention number only) (By Research)
                          -                                               -                           -                   -
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.  Book/Research Papers of Articles             :
     Published by Teachers
           Name of the Teacher                        -  BOOK  Published
           Dr. Ratilal I. Rohit                               :'A Dalit Short Stories on overall review'
                                                                          in  Gujarati Literature. Published in
                                                                          'ANBHAI' on July-September, 2004.
                                                                          Page No.65. 
                                                                         A Critical appriciation of "DHAD"
                                                                         Short Story by Jayant Khatri.
                                                                         Published  in 'SHABDASHRUSTI'
                                                                         November, 2004  ,  Page No.42.
                                                                        "VAKAL NA LOKGITO" (Folk song
                                                                         of Vakal) a research work in Gujarati
                                                                      Folk Literature.  Published in                                                                                   "Loksahitya  Aapano Sanskrutik Varaso"
                                                                         in January, 2005,  page No.170.
                                                                        "A NA BHULASO' Poem published in
                                                                         'Hayati"  December, 2004,  page No.12.
9.         Participation by Teachers in               :
            Seminars/Conferences/Symposia of
            Importance and presentation of
            papers thereat during the period
            from 1st April, 2004to 31st March, 2005.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of the     Theme of the Seminar/     Name of      Date                 Title of
       Teacher           Conference/Symposia       the org-      and                  the paper
                                                                    aniser        Place               presented/
 Dr. Ratilal Rohit     National Seminar   Faculty of Arts,   25-2-2005   "A Literary
 Lecturer & Head                                    M.S. University        to           Tribute to
                                                            of Vadodara,       28-2-2005   Anton
                                                           Baroda                                  Pavlovich
                                                                                                       1860 - 1904"
                                                                                                        on the subject
                                                                                                        of "A Chekhov's
                                                                                                        Short Story :
                                                                                                        A Critical Study"
General          :   The University Department of Gujarati has organized two days Seminar on "Feminism "    on 16th & 17th September, 2004.    Ms. Vibhuti Patel, Ms. Rucha Brahambhatt, , Ms. Nootan Damoar' Mr. Digvijaysingh Gohil , Prof. Vasanti Damale ,Vaibhav Kothari, Shubha Nigam, Dr. Nalini Madgaonkar, Madhuri Chheda, Dr. Bharat Mehta, Prof. Jayant Parekh and eminant  Scholar  and Major  Creative Writer of Gujarati Literature from Gujarat and Maharashtra participated in the said Seminar.
Lectures         :    Department of Gujarati has organized Special Lectures for                                              the Post - Graduate students.
             Name of the  Speaker              Date                                    Subject
                       Prof. Jayant Parekh           13-8-2004     Suresh Joshi Ni Vartao
                                                            16-8-2004              -"-      
                    My dear  Jayu                   20-9-2004     Vartakar  R.V. Pathak
                    Prof. Bharat Mehta  20-9-2004  Chaurasir Ni Ma Hazar & Tamas

                    Dr. Rajenara Mehta  21-9-2004       Khandkavyo
                                                  22-9-2004       Khandkavyo
                                                  23-9-2004     Mahim ni khadi                 
                    Dr. Raman Soni       7-10-2004     Patrakaratav
                                                  8-10-2004       Patrakaratav
                                                  9-10-2004           -"-
                    Prof. Jayant Umrethiya       4-10-2004     Loksahitya
                                                  5-10-2004     Sanshodhan Na Prashno
                     Dr. Arvind Bhandari            12-10-2004   Linguistics
                                                  14-10-2004       -"-
                                                  15-10-2004       -"-
                                                  16-10-2004       -"-      
                    Dr. Ramesh Ghodasara     24-11-2004   Patrakatrav Ni News                                                                                                    Papers
                                                  25-11-2004             -"-
                    Dr. Chandrakant Hirani       24-11-2004   Patrakarata
                                                            25-11-2004        -"-
                    Dr. Pravin Darji                  10-1-2005     Sonnet Nu Swarup Ane
                                                                                Sonnet No Aaswad.
           Dr. Neeta Bhagat               10-1-2005     T.S. Eliot
                                                   11-1-2005     Sushan Langar
                                                   12-1-2005          -"-
Special Lecture :   Dr. Ratilal Rohit , Head, Dept. of Gujarati       
Deliver a Special Lecture on the subject of "Premchand's Literature' .  The Hindi Writer in the Department of Hindi, University of Mumbai, on 5th August, 2005.
Deliver a Special  Lecture on "Gujarati Folk Literature" in Shri M.D. Mahila College of Arts, Malad, S.N.D.T, University, Mumbai, on 18th October, 2004.
Dr. Ratilal Rohit, Head, Dept. of Gujarati has done Orientation Course in May, 2004 from Gogate College, Ratnagiri, University of Mumbai.
Dr.Mrs. Urvashi M. Pandya, Sr. Lecturer, Department of Gujarati
Awards : Ph.D. October, 2004 - Modern Gujarati Fiction in the Special Context of the Elements as such 1. Plot Making 2. Crectoraization  3. Point of Narration  4.  Stream I of Conciousness and Feminism.
Ph.D. Thesis has selected as Best Thesis and granted of Rs.10,000'- for the Publication of the thesis by Gujarati Sahitya Akadami, Gandhinagar, in the year of 2004-2005.
The Original Poetry collection 'Yatana" has selected as Best Creative work and it has to be published  by Gujarati Sahitya Parishad, Ahmedabad in this year.
Student :                    
Kum. Shesh Sanghni ( March,2004) Kum. Geeta P. Varun, ( March, 2005) a student of M.A. (Part-II) received a B.K. Thakore Gold Medal and a 'Harindra Dave Puraskar' for securing highest marks in the subject of Gujarati.
Seminars  :  Two seminar every year
                    1.   Navalkatha Satra (2002)
                          (Nature of Narrative)
                    2.    Feminism          (2003)
                    3.    Feminism         (2004)
Endowment Lectures of the Department -
                                                   1.  Thakkar Vasanji Madhavji Endowment
                                                   2.  Kumari Kailashben Ramprasad Mehta
                                                        Endowment in Comparative Literature
Visiting Professor Scheme        :   Every year Department invited various                                                                           Scholars from  all  over India to deliver                                                                 lectures for the Teachers and Students.
Achievment of the Department  :   B.K. Thakor Gold  Medal   (2002-2004)
                                                            1.   Ms. Falguni Jadia   (2002)
                                                             2.   Ms. Amita Shroff    (2003)
                                                            3.    Ms. Sneha Sangani (2004)
                                                            4.    Ms. Geeta P. Varun  (2005)
 securing highest Number of  Marks in Gujarati at M.A. Final  Examination
Publication of the Department   :
          1.  'Sanskrut Kavyashashtra Ni aadhunik Vevechana Man Parstutta'
              - Shri Jayant Kothari
               (Relevance of Sanskrit Poetics in Modern Gujarati Practical Criticism)
          2.  'Varta Sanchay - Edited by - Shri Jayant Parekh &  Dr. Shirish Panchal
                              (Collection of Modern Gujarati Short Stories Vol.1)
          3. 'Varta Sanchay -2) Edited by - Shri Jayant Parekh & Dr. Shirish Panchal
                              (Collection of Modern Gujarati Short Stories Vol.2)
          4.  'Sahitya Na Itihas Ni Abhidharna' - by Dr. Chandrakant Topiwala
                                                                   New Historicism
          5.  'Sahityik Artha No Koyado'           -  by Dr. Suman Shah
                                                                    (The Problem of Literary Meaning)
          6.  'Asyaah Sargavidhau'                   - Dr. Prof. Sitanshu Yashaschandra
                                                                   (Collection of Critical Essays)



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