Ph. D. Interview Notice July 2015
Announcement of Certificate Courses in English - 2015
Notice & Form of Ph. D For Online
Lecture of Prof. G. C. Bannerjee Memorial Lecture
One Day Symposium Translating Cultures
Pre-Ph.D. (English) Final List of Selected Candidates January 2015
Ph.D Interview notice 2015
The Department of English was established
in 1962 and is one of the oldest language departments in the
University of Mumbai.
Since, its inception the Department has played
an important role in establishing relevant specializations such
as English Language Teaching, American Literature, Gender Studies,
Politics Ideology and English Studies.
The Department has now set forth to project
itself as a Centre of Excellence and introduced two specialized
Honours programmes in addition to its regular M.A. Programme.
The M.Phil. programme has also been re-vamped to include courses
such as writing for the media, creative writing and translation
The Department has a Library-cum-Media Centre,
an Audio-Visual Room and a Seminar room.
Special Activities of the Department
1. An English Language Teaching Cell has been
instituted in the Department since 1995, aimed at initiating
extra-curricular English courses to upgrade levels of English
in the University and outside.
2. An Academic Links Programme has been initiated
between this Department and
(a) The Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
(b) Queen Mary College, University of London, U.K.
(c) The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
(d) University of the Fraser Valley, B.C. Canada
in the field of Post Colonial Literatures in English, Contemporary
Theories and Diaspora Studies.
These links involve faculty and/or student
exchange, as well as joint
research projects and research guidance.
3. The Writer-in-Residence Programme: This
programme has been sponsored by the British Council, Mumbai
from the academic year 2005-06 onwards and will enable British
Writers to spend two months at the Department, where they will
give lectures and conduct workshops in Creative Writing.
4. Short-Term Self-Financing Courses:
(a) Voice Culture and Verbal Communication
(b) American Culture and Accent Training
(c) Business English Skills.
5. Memorial Lecture - G.C. Bannerjee
Memorial Lecture