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About Us

The Department of Physical Education was established under University of Mumbai, in year 2005-2006, which is one of the top universities in the world.
The Department of Physical Education is established in order to create, resourceful and eminent Teachers and Masters in the field of Physical Education. Since its inception, this Department has successfully produced more than 400 Teachers and Masters, who are currently serving in various field of Physical Education.
The Department of Physical Education is located in Kalina Campus of University of Mumbai and it is aptly situated in the Sports Complex, which caters to all the training needs of the students and also hostel facility is available for Men and Women.


Vision Statement:

To become a world class institution that provides a fertile ground for young minds    to strengthen the foundation of their future life by giving them knowledge and physical skills and the art of living. 

Mission Statement:  

It is our mission to facilitate the development of balanced human beings who have the wisdom to create a life of passion, purpose and peace.
To achieve this Mission the college provides : 

  • Excellent infrastructure to experience a healthy academic atmosphere
  • Highly qualified and talented faculty to impart practical and theoretical knowledge effectively..
  • Unique programs and opportunities for students to explore their potential.


It is our mission to facilitate the development of balanced human beings who have the wisdom to create a life of passion, purpose and peace.
To achieve this Mission the college provides : 

  • To enable prospective teacher educators to understand the nature, purpose and philosophy of Physical Education.
  • To develop competencies necessary for Physical training and coaching.
  • To develop knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for imparting Physical Education.
  • To enrich knowledge of personal and community health.
  • To promote the capacity to organize games, sports and recreational activities.
  • To promote knowledge of sports medicine and physiotherapy.
  • To develop competence to undertake research in Physical Education games and sports.
  • To foster interest in Physical Education and appreciate its role in school and society.
  • To prepare for evolving stage specific curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation techniques in Physical Education.
  • To develop an understanding and appreciation of indigenous approach to Physical Education, exercise, games and sports.


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