Workshop on "Life
Skills Development in Students" in collaboration with the
Department of Applied Psychology, University of Mumbai, 27-28th
February 2014.
Conference on "Perspectives in Higher Education in the Context
of Globalisation". 8-10th January 2014
Workshop on
"Capacity Building in the Experimental Research" 30th June-4th
July 2014
National Seminar
on "Education for Peace". 5th - 7st Dec. 2012
Workshop on
"Qualitative Research in Education". 25-30th June2012
Workshop on
"Quantitative Data Analysis in Education" on 26-27th March 2012
"Active Learning
Through Effective Teaching: Recent Trends' For College Teachers"
2nd - 4th ,January 2012
Workshop on
"Paradigm Shifts In Learning And Evaluation" March 21-22, 2011
Workshop on
"Research Methodology in Social and Behavioural Sciences" 28th
June to 3rd July 2010.
Seminar on
Instructional Design: Theory and Practice March 20-21, 2009
Seminar in "Six
Sigma in Education": 9th -10th November,2009.
Conference on "Teacher Education and ICT : Global Context,
Policy and Framework". 29th - 31st Dec. 2009 at the University
of Mumbai. IATE Conference in collaboration with IDOL.
Organising Secretary.
Workshop on
"Conducting and Guiding Research in Education" 9-10th July, 2008
Seminar on
"Futuristic Learning Environment", 24 - 26th March, 2008
Workshop on
"Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in Higher education" Under the
Auspices of Ratnagiri Sub-Centre, University of Mumbai, 20-21st
February, 2008.
National Seminar
on "Application of Instructional Technology to Information
Literacy", 30th Nov. -2nd Dec. 2006 in collaboration with the
Department of Library Science, University of Mumbai.
National Seminar
on "Towards Excellence in Teacher Education" 17-19th January,
Hosted a National
Seminar on "e-B.Ed. Through Tech-Mode" 24-25th Sept. 2006,
Seminar on
"Innovative Practices in Teacher Education" 23-24th March, 2006,