M.A. Admission 2015-16
M.A. Admission Form 2015 - 16
M.A. Entrance Test
Eligibility Form
M. Phil. admission 2015-16
M. Phil. Entrance Test Details 2015 - 16
M.Phil Entrance Exam
M. Phil. Eligibility Form
Ph.D Entrance Test Details 2015 - 16
Ph.D. course_work
Ph.D admission 2015-16
Ph.D. Eligibility form
Application form for Ph.D
Annex- I) VCD_2414 of 18-11-2010
Annex - II) Circular No. UG-441 of 2005
The Department of Sociology, University of Mumbai, has the
distinction of being the oldest centre of teaching and research
in Sociology and Anthropology in India. In addition, it is the
oldest Department in the University of Mumbai. The Department
was set up in 1919 with an eminent British sociologist and town
planner Sir Patrick Geddes as the first Professor and
Head. Over the last nine decades the department has made
pioneering and significant contributions to teaching and
research in Sociology in South Asia.
The Department has played a pioneering role in the promotion of
social science research in general and in the development of
sociology and cultural anthropology in particular in four major
respects. Firstly, it initiated an ambitious project of mapping
out, independently, the vast and variegated ethnographic
landscape of India through systematic field studies. In the
span of over nine decades, more than 250 Ph.D. and M.Phil
dissertations have been completed in the Department. Secondly,
it trained a fairly large number of talented students who were
drawn from different parts of South Asia and who, in turn,
advanced the frontiers of sociological and anthropological
research in India. Some of the leading figures in Indian
Sociology and Anthropology had their initial training in the
Department. Mention may be made of M.N. Srinivas (M.A.
1938, Ph.D. 1943), IrawatiKarve (M.A. 1928), I.P.
Desai (Ph.D. 1943), Y.B. Damle (Ph.D. 1950), Vilas
Sangave (Ph.D. 1950) and M.S.A. Rao (Ph.D. 1953),
among several others. Thirdly, the Department played a leading
role in the professionalisation of Sociology and Anthropology in
India. The Indian Sociological Society and its Journal
Sociological Bulletin owe their inception to the
initiative of Professor Ghurye and his colleagues in the
Department. Professor Ghurye served as the President and
Professor K.M. Kapadia and Professor J.V. Ferreira
served as secretaries of Indian Sociological Society from its
inception in 1952 till 1966. Fourthly, long before the value of
inter-disciplinary research came to be widely acknowledged and
emphasised, a number of inter-disciplinary studies relating to
the varied dimensions of Indian society were taken up in the
Professor Sir Patrick Geddes
was the Head of the Department from 1919 to 1924. He was imbued
with a vision far ahead of his times. His academic endeavours
spanned the disciplinary boundaries of Sociology, Town Planning,
Geography and Biology. He impressed on his students the
importance of field work and practical experience. His work
continues to inspire new generations of students not only in
Sociology but also in Architecture, Town Planning as well as
Sociology of Science.
Dr. G. S. Ghurye,
was appointed Reader and Head of the Department in 1924. He
became professor in 1934 and continued to head the Department
until his retirement in 1959. Ghurye’s initial training was in
Sanskrit and Indology. Under the influence of Sir Patrick Geddes,
Ghurye pursued higher studies in Anthropology under the
distinguished anthropologist W.H.R Rivers at Cambridge and later
under A.C. Haddon. His attempt to combine insights from Indology
with anthropological perspectives was one of the major
contributions of the time. After his retirement he was
designated the first Professor Emeritus in the University of
Professor Ghurye
guided 55 students for the Doctorate in Sociology, probably the
highest number for any single Sociologist. He trained many
eminent sociologists who contributed to building the discipline
in India. Among them, mention may be made of the following:
IravatiKarve and Y.B. Damle who subsequently moved to
University of Pune, M.N. Srinivas who started the
Department of Sociology at Delhi School of Economics, University
of Delhi, M.S.A Rao who also went to Delhi School of
Economics, A.R. Desai and D. Narain who succeeded
Ghurye as Heads of the Department in Mumbai, I.P. Desai
who went on to the Centre for Social Studies at Surat, M.S.
Gore who went on to head the Tata Institute of Social
Sciences and later became the Vice Chancellor of the University
of Mumbai, Suma Chitnis who became the Vice Chancellor of
SNDT Women’s University and Victor D’Souza who was head
of the Department of Sociology at Punjab University.
Professor K.M. Kapadia
succeeded Professor Ghurye as Head of the Department in 1960.
His tenure and scholarly career came to a rather abrupt end with
his unfortunate death in 1967. Professor Kapadia will be
remembered for his notable contribution to the study of kinship,
family and marriage in India. His book Family and Marriage in
India became a classic in its genre, a reference book for
succeeding generations of students.
Professor A.R. Desai
succeeded Professor Kapadia as Head of the Department in 1967.
Professor Desai made a significant contribution to Sociology
through his numerous publications relating to political
sociology, rural sociology, peasant struggles and trade union
movement. His books Social Background of Indian Nationalism,
Rural Sociology in India,and Peasant Struggles in India
are widely used as recommended texts in several universities in
India. Professor Desai retired in 1976. He was elected
President of Indian Sociological Society in 1979.
Professor J.V. Ferreira
assumed the headship of the Department in 1976. Initially
trained in the Department of Sociology, Professor Ferreira
subsequently went to Vienna and obtained a doctorate from the
University of Vienna. Professor Ferreira contributed to
anthropological theory and methodology through his book
Totemism in India (1965) and later through numerous papers
and monographs. He edited the second series of the ICSSR
sponsored Survey of Research in Sociology and Social
Anthropology in 1985. During his tenure as Head of the
Department Professor of Ferreira also served as Director of
Western Regional Centre of ICSSR. He retired in 1982.
Professor DhirendraNarain
succeeded Professor Ferreira as Head of the Department in 1982.
Professor Narain completed his doctoral dissertation under the
guidance of Professor G.S. Ghurye, which was later published as
Hindu Character (1957). He was invited to contribute an
article on Ghurye, which was published in the Biographical
Supplement of the International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences
in 1979. He also edited the ICSSR-sponsored volume containing
abstracts of M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations completed in the
Department of Sociology. He retired in February 1991.
Professor A. R. Momin
assumed the headship in 1991 after Professor D. Narain.
Professor Momin is a distinguished Cultural Anthropologist. He
has several publications to his credit and he has served on
committees of the University Grants Commission, The Indian
Council of Social Science Research and Anthropological Survey of
India. His term as head expired in April 1999, under the new
scheme of rotation of heads in the University Departments.
Professor S. K. Bhowmik
became the head after Professor Momin in 1999. Professor Bhowmik
has done pioneering work in the areas of plantation labour,
trade union movement, the issues confronting workers in the
informal sector and urban poverty. Tea Plantation Labour in
India, Street Vendors and the Global Urban Economy (2009),
and Industry, Labour and Society (2012) are among his
major contributions. Since 2004, Prof. Bhowmik has moved to Tata
Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Professor P. G. Jogdand
assumed the headship in 2002. Professor Jogdand specialises in
Dalit Studies, Sociology of the marginalised communities, Social
Movements and Globalization. His publications include Dalit
Movement in Maharashtra (1991), Dalit Women: Issues and
Perspectives (1995), New Economic Policy and Dalits
(2000), and Globalization and Social Movements: Struggle for
Humane Society (2003) co-edited with Prof. S.M. Michael.
Professor Jogdand is member of the University Management Council
as well as Dean of the Arts Faculty.
Professor Indira Munshi
assumed headship of the department in 2005. Professor Indira
Munshi has nurtured research in the areas of development, tribal
studies, sociology and environment and the sociology of tourism.
Her publications include Contradictions in Indian Society
(1995), co-edited with Professor ManoramaSavur and Adivasi
Life stories (2007).
Professor Kamala Ganesh
became the head of the department in 2007. Professor Kamala
Ganesh has worked on the themes related to Feminist
Methodologies, interface between gender and kinship, identity
and culture, and Indian diaspora. Her publications include,
Negotiation and Social Space: A Gendered Analysis of Marriage
and Kinship Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
(1998) co-edited with Carla Risseeuw, Culture and the Making
of Identity in Contemporary India (2005) co-edited with
UshaThakkar, and Zero Point Bombay: In and around Horniman
Circle (2008), co-edited with UshaThakkar and Gita Chadha.
Professor P.G. Jogdand
assumed headship for a second term in the year 2010.